Gaming Setup - Computer Setup


What, you can't detect sarcasm on the internet?
But what about angles you didn't shoot it from? Those could be the best angles!
Nice setup, especially the mouse and keyboard. The comic table and figures give a nice touch to it.
I found your setup here some time ago and you inspired me. Sounds stupid but is actually true. (:
Any build log of the tv table? I'd love to see more!
Sadly no. I just bought a cheap table from ikea and painted it black. Then I bought a poster online with comic covers and put it on the table. A friend helped me sealing it.
What did you use to seal it?
It has been a long time since then. But I can ask my friend if you want.
Where can i buy a Zowie FK in North America?
Which Zowie mouse is better? The FK, or the EC1 eVo?
Essentially they all are pretty well build and use high quality sensors. I like the FK best because of its colors and shape.
I prefer the AM/FK due to the shape. More or less a smaller IntelliMouse Optical.
Sorry, I cant help you. I am from Europe.
We saw more pictures of the same mouse and mouse mat than your gaming setup. Is it really necessary to take 5 pictures of the same shit.
I`l take some out, sorry.
No worries, just want to see some of the gaming setup, like the whole thing :D
I will update (; I am just a little bit surprised by the hate `cause of too much mouse photos. Maybe because I am new here :D Already deleted most of the pictures.
Not to mention the Zowie has a flawless sensor.
That is what I meant :D
What type of LED's are those? Did you buy them or make it yourself?
Right. Pretty cheap and they do their job well. Sadly my table is curved and so they are too near on the wall partly.
Would be interesting to try to mod one to provide visual feedback on notifications - perhaps orange for coolcomputersetups, red for email, blue for twitter, etc.
Asking for the wallpaper please <3
Nice set up - the table is my favorite part!
Thanks, yeah I love it, too.
Can we get an total body shot? I guess close ups are cool too.
I like to refer to pictures of the full desk as body shots. Makes it sound sexier.
My girlfriend just builds here setup next to mine and at the moment it is just messy. Will deliever full desk when it is finished in the next days.
Where can i buy a Zowie FK in North America?
Dude. Where did you find that wristrest. Or did you make it yourself? Looks pretty incredible :O
How did you make the mouse wrist rest, or where did you buy it?

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