Gaming Setup - Computer Setup


Haha thanks! I love that animated .gif!
Kind of redundant haha
Yes but what the point of a static gif?
File size. Used a lot in web design.
Transparency. JPGs don't have it so you are going with gif or png. Back in the olden days png wasn't a great option due to limited browser support.
This might be a dumb question but are those cable sleeves or can you buy specific cables that look like that?
In my head, it's fun to think that your computer is a really conceited, pretentious asshole, because it likes to use pictures of itself for its desktop background.
Wow, that rig is so clean.
Silverstone FT02WB, best positive pressure air flow case. I never have to clean it. It stays dust free for months, I just have to rins out the filters every month or two.
It seems like the ports on the video cards (?) would be inaccessible. Is that true?
You plug everything in on the top of the case. Then the cables route out to the back of the case.
Ah, I see. That's cool.
No, they are underneath a cover. You can't hotplug it, that is true, but it is accessible.
Builds like these are works of art. Great job OP. If only I had some money to build this...
Thank you! I didn't have money but I built systems in order to keep this "free of charge".
Damn. Where's someone who want's a PC built?!?!
Does the bottom left fan work very well?
It does, it's blocked but I only have 3 disk drives and two of them being a 3.5" SSDs. If I put my hand on top of the drives I can still feel the air moving.
I just bought myself a AX760 PSU after my last one died a few days ago (and hopefully hasn't fried anything else in the process).
Hello! The individually sleeved modular cables are sold separately, buy a kit when Corsair have 50% off coupon code. Corsair AX series comes with 7 year warranty and it's by serial number, you don't need invoice or proof of purchase. Just need to call them and they will replace it.
Thanks for the quick reply. Unfortunately the AX760 is the replacement - not the one that died, so I can't file a RMA etc.
Thanks for alerting me of the cheaper price! I couldn't justify buying them back when they were $100, but at $40, I'll likely pick a set up.
If you press the gear icon when hovering over an image on coolcomputersetups you have a "view full resolution" and "download full resolution" option.
Images are compressed on upload. If it exceeds a certain size (I think 300 kB?), coolcomputersetups will degrade it until it doesn't. The artifacting can ruin some photos. But I guess coolcomputersetups is too big to fall now.
Thanks for this info, very useful!
Well, they look better but the photos still look better in PNG. Thanks for the info though!
No problem. EPIC rig btw! It's amazingly clean.
It means that the air pressure inside is greater than the outside. More air in than out. It keeps the dust out.
He is correct, positive pressure airflow creates a balloon effect in your case while negative creates a vacuum effect.
How do you go about creating positive pressure airflow?
Let me give a try.
It's slow for Americans too. No clue what their deal is but it's unbearable.
I am jelly of the maps. Where can I buy some?
That is one fine looking machine.
Oh my OCN ID is actually Roskof and thanks! I love the FT02 case!
What are the full specs?
You must have looked so silly taking pictures of your computer outside.
Yes, I was actually pretending that I wasn't taking pictures when there were joggers around. I just pretend I was cleaning it...
Embrace the moment! put a leash on it and act like you are trying to take it for a walk
Info and pricing on the wheel?
Logitech G27 Steering wheel set. It has clutch and 6 speed H shifter transmission. Also has wheel vibration and feedback. Depending on what game you play it feels like you are driving for real. You can feel hitting potholes, gravel and road. The only thing you really missing is the G-force effect. The wheel retail for $300 but you can get them for $150. Logitech gives out 50% off coupon every now and then if you sign up for their newsletter.
Wooow! and G-force effect? sorry I have no experience with them!
I mean it feels like you are driving for real because of the feedback and vibration from the steering wheel. But it doesn't feel like you are moving unless you got some kind of mechanical seat that moves around lol.
Wouldn't it be awesome if they sold a seat with motorized or inflatable pillows to simulate that?
That just makes me happy to know that exists somewhere in the world.
Whoa! That looks dangerous haha!
Yeah that would be great!
G...g..g-gorgeous! I'm interested in how you keep your beauty so clean?!
Thanks! I had to create a positive pressure airflow configuration in the case. No dust gets in the case as long as I keep the filters clean, I usually rinse the filter every month or two.
I'll keep that in mind, thank you very much!
As a complete hardware noob, how does one make positive pressure for a computer? I understand how the inverse concept works in hospitals for contagious illnesses, but why would you want the rig working the opposite way? I'm certain I'm missing something very obvious, but thanks to whomever responds.
I'd like to know as well
Nice setup! What is the game you are playing in the first image?
Looks like The Witcher 2.
Ha! A bottle of hot sauce is always on my desk as well.
Awesome fan set up man; great job. Love the sleeved cables too!
Need a new pair of pants after seeing this.
Am I the only one that sees the temp warning on the top screen?
That's actually a separate computer hooked up to it. I have a 3770K Llano HTPC behind the monitors. It's a warning because the CPU fan is unplugged. That I control with that extra keyboard with touchpad you see to the right behind the steering wheel. Oh and that's a CPU fan low RPM notification, I was replaced the the HSF with a passive heastsink and never bother to turn of the notification. Good eye though!
It's one of those things i've picked up on after messing with computers... 20 years ago :(
Would have been very concerned given your cooling loop.
What are those power cables called?
Those are the individually sleeved cables from Corsair, they sell them but they are only compatible with Corsair AX series PSUs.
I have an AX1000 and a TX850 but I'm not using the AX1000 right now. Might need to make the swap. Thanks for the info.
You are welcome, make sure to wait for 50% off accessories coupon code if you want to purchase a kit.
So with that case, everything plugs into the top? Bizarro
Yes, everything plugs to the top but the exhaust are also dissipates to the top, make sense because heat rises.
So uh. How much was the computer?
It was technically free, on top of the 20K USD worth of components I kept, I made 17K USD within 6 months of building a PC. It all started from the cable management I've done on my year 2011 system. People liked to have a "cool" looking computer and I got referred to several different people that wouldn't mind shelling out money for a high end good looking machine. I guess I lucked out, every time I upgrade I made money.
I need to get myself into the computer-building biz.
Can you explain how your cables are so neat? I couldn't quite get that to work in mine.
I spent extra time on cable management, it was a big part of my computer system selling gig. People refer me to others because they want a cool looking system. I know some people don't care about anesthetics but I lucked out to find people that did and they paid me for my time to do cable management.
Alright I guess I'll have to spend more time on it then. Thanks!
Another thing, it's not worth to take it apart and do this but what I do every time I have a new build. I run the smaller wires/cables under the motherboard between the case like front panel cable headers etc. That's why you can barely see any of them. Don't take your PC apart just to do this though, it's not worth it lol.
Ohhhh ok I didn't know you could do that. But yeah I guess it's fine as is right now. If I ever need to take it apart or rebuild I'll keep that in mind.
Hehe, I think you meant aesthetics. Awesome looking build by the way!
Oops yes you are right! That's what I meant.
Do you use zip ties? Or something else to keep the cables separate?
Yes I use zip ties. I can take a picture of the back of the case if you want, everything is routed methodically. It may take me 90-120 more minutes to mess with the cables but it's well worth it. People like that kind of stuff, it adds value to the system.
If it wouldn't be too much trouble I'd love to see the back!
White cabling, sexy cards, CPU watercooling, damn. This is beautiful.
What monitors are those? Seem to be very crisp and bright.
Those are VG278H 27" 3D Vision monitors. They are not as crips and bright as IPS displays but I need them for 3D vision.
I came when I saw that cable management.
Like damn wanna come over and clean my rig ;)
Well fucking done man. Looks CRISP.
What games do you play with the steering wheel setup?
I played Dirt 3. I'm not a big fan of any racing games but it's a completely different experience with the steering wheel.
Yeah my friends and I were trying to decide if we should get them. We all love your gaming setup too btw
Thanks! If you can get it with 50% off then it's would be a great buy. My son loves it too, he started messing with it when he was 2 years old. About 6 months later he was able to win races. He actually gets upset when he finishes 2nd. Oh and he drifts!
Have you seen VGHS by freddiew? I think your son might be the drift king.
Haha that sounds awesome! thanks for the info man!
Got dat Asus Maximus Motherboard. Is it formula, got the same thing myself, however I'm not done with my computer (yet).
It's the Asus Rampage IV Extreme.
Aha, very similar boards regardless. Good luck with it.
That's a damn fine machine. I like the natural thermal displacement, ya done good.
Thank you! It's definitely the best case that I have ever tried. And I've tried dozens of cases.
Holy mother of god... If you don't mind me asking, what do you do to be able to afford that a setup like that?
Thanks! Well I mentioned it on here a couple of times. I couldn't afford this, but I own it because I built several machines and was making money while upgrading! It was very good income and a fun hobby!
As in you would upgrade other people's computers and keep the old parts? That sounds pretty sweet.
Oh no, for example. I find a really cheap deal for a better video card. Which is cheaper than what I can sell mine for. I would then buy the cheaper/better video card then I will put the older (maybe 2 month old?) video card up for sale or offer it to clients that want a good build. I would have the invoice to prove that the video card is only 2 months old and I can give it to them cheaper than retail. I mean waaaaay cheaper than retail but I hunt deals so I get them when they are extremely cheap. I mean sold out in 30 seconds kind of deal cheap. So not only I made money or break even from the old part, I get to upgrade by doing so. I hope this make sense. Plus I get to sell a whole build with the rig.
Ohhh. Seems like a good idea. You mentioned clients so I assume you already have a PC-related business going?
Well, I used the term loosely, PC building is just a hobby. Maybe I should use the term buyer. I been in the US Navy for 11 years now so I really don't have computer related business. The downside of my job is we move a lot, every three years and I had to make myself known when we moved down here but that only took me about 3 months from Craigslist to word of mouth. I was still getting good offers from my previous duty station though, I started building from there.
Oh wow ok. Sounds kinda rough. And thank you for your service!
Specs please? Nice rig man!
Haha I recognize that rig from memphis Craigslist. You that dude who's always selling monitors and video cards and whatnot?
That would be me! Have I dealt with you before? If so what did you buy?
How is it playing Skyrim with a steering wheel?
I'm pretty sure that's Witcher 2.
Oh dang, now my comment doesn't make any sense.
I was really confused when you said Skyrim. What were you thinking?
A work of art. Nice.
Sweet mother of Abraham Lincoln!!!
Can I borrow your PC? Promise to give it back, I swear.
Does your Antec Kuhler have a buzzing sound coming from it?
I don't know much about gaming pc's, but that thing is beautiful .
I saw this rig a while ago, and decided to go with the ft02 as well because of it. Decided to go with a be quiet! cooler though. Very clean and nice build, I hope it serves well. How is the kuhler?
How much does this system cost?
As a complete and utter novice (beyond a novice to be honest...) how much would that set-up cost? Also why would you have what seems to be 2 SSDs? Did you build it yourself? FInally, what do you do? Is that just a hobby, or do you work on it?
Just wait for the dust bunnies to come and claim it! Looks sexy as hell now tho
Silverstone cases have great dust filters on them, you would be surprised at how clean they stay!
I tried finding the answer in the comments with no luck so I will ask, what is your profession in order for you to be able to built such a sweet system like this?
What screws are those holding in your cards?
Hey I am curious, what voltages do you run at for that overclock? I have been running my 3930k at 4.2 Ghz with stock voltages and plan on going up soon and just curious what kind of increases I might come to expect. And yes I know it will vary between processor to processor but it's still helpful information!
This sir, is my dream setup, wheel and all. Do you have specs? Peripherals et. al?
Sure I can post the specs and thanks!
This is your reminder to deliver specs.
And while you're at it, describe what Pepsi Max + Tabasco tastes like.
Yeah, that was my bad, I thought I included it on coolcomputersetups, there was supposed to be a separate image with specs but it I forgot to add it. Thanks! Pepsi Max + Tobasco hmmm, I'm going to have to try it out! Never thought of mixing them haha.
That is one glorious shrine of GabeN

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