Gaming Setup - Computer Setup


This will be the first desk I've built for myself, previously always making do with what I had. It's time to make something perfect for me! I've posted a link to a Google Sketch Up I've been working on. The dimensions are 60"X60"X30". The two circular indents on the desk are cup holders (one is for a cup of pens), and the black circle is a USB hub/headphone/mic jacks. I didn't sketch up the monitor stand, I haven't figured out which one I'm getting yet. The hooks on the left are for Headphones, and the gray box is a pityful mock up of a Mac mini. The long shelf on the desk will house a surge protector. The shelf on the left is for my printer, and one of the drawers on the right will be a file cabinet. I plan on using panduit to hide all the cables, and eventually getting a good pair of stereo speakers.
Is that a keyboard shelf? In my experience they are more trouble than they're worth. I would just make an angle piece that's flush with the rest of the surface.
Hmmm, it is a keyboard shelf. Do you have any pictures of what you're envisioning? I'm definitely not stuck on the keyboard shelf.
This is an example of how my gaming setup is set up, with no keyboard shelf:
Do you think I should round out that front corner? Or just ditch the shelf and put the keyboard right on top as is?
You could do either, but i personally would find the hard angle harsh on the eyes and potentially uncomfortable if your wrists or forearms rest on it ever so slightley, having a rounded desk with rounded edges means that for long periods of time your arms wont be getting uncomfortable.
I think rounding out the corner would be more comfortable to sit at than a right angle, i also agree about ditching the keyboard shelf i find them uncomfortable and awkward
Plan for one more monitor, 3 is a golden spot for almost everything.
Ah, I have found regardless of what you do if you spend enough time on a computer you will find ways to utilize the space, I have 6 monitors now, really only ever use 5, but symmetry :)
Given where it looks like your chair is going to be, I can envision that those drawers to the left are going to be annoying to open/close while you're sitting. Just thought I'd mention if you didn't already have it figured out.

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