Gaming Setup - Computer Setup


Your girlfriend is a very lucky cat
I wonder how his girlfriend is at playing those video games since she doesn't have opposable thumbs.
This is how babies die.
Now play Portal 2. You'll have that couch to yourself in no time.
I think he is implying that due to women's less developed parietal lobe a game that requires spatial reasoning would be overwhelming and his wife would leave out of frustration.
What lapdesk product are you using in the first picture? I am looking for something similar.
What do you play with this setup?
We play a number of games. Most recently we've been playing Rift, Chivalry, and Age of Empires 2 HD. She plays the Witcher when I'm playing something different (I'm about to begin Dead Space 3 with a friend of mine). No WOW. That ship sailed a long time ago and it's not that appealing to me anymore.
Props for Chivalry! It's the most fun I can remember having in competitive multiplayer game. Nothing like running at the enemy with a group of friends shouting warcries.
All I hear is "YODDLE!!!!!" but i'm pretty sure i'm supposed to hear "THE ORDER!!!!!" haha
I'm hoping for something besides the standard "My girlfriend plays WoW on hers" answer. It's not a terrible answer, but I like to be surprised on occasion.
Starcraft would be awesome. could wander in the park during a beautiful sunset discussing strategies, watch tournaments when you're bored, maybe fly/drive out to some of the big tournaments, lots of stuff beyond that time just sitting there playing...
I spent many a cold day, shoveling snow with friends, discussing potential trades in Diablo II. "How many SoJs for that Occy?". Those were the days, my friend.
I was thinking it was kind of nice they can do something they both enjoy together
And if one of them is a lefty, they can even hold hands while killing each other in-game.
You aren't a true gamer until you've mastered playing 1-handed.
I mastered typing with one hand when I was 14...
Well, we all know that reason.
I was just thinking the same.
Because they're a couple who games together and us loners are jealous, at least that's why its depressing to me :(
Ahh I see now. I thought that the fact that they're gaming together like that was depressing. Like playing games in such close proximity was something worthy of pity.
No Lol LAN parties consist of gaming closely. Its really fun having a SO who games.
Oh. I thought it was because his girlfriend looks so much like a cat...
I find it depressing because they put so much effort and money into a setup to be with each other but might as well be in a different room. Imagine if it wasn't a gaming setup but how they watched TV "together".
As somebody who games with their partner, I will say it's a great way to spend time together if done right. We tend to play games that require co-op of some sort, so we're actually playing through the game together and communicating. Gaming is definitely a social activity.
Because this is the last thing our fat fucking world needs. More reasons to be lazy piles of shit on the couch.
I'm sorry you feel that way buddy.
That you don't have the same, or something else?
The monitor arms being bolted down onto that tiny little table made me cringe. I hope those don't fall one day.
I thought the same thing at first, but the entire setup is a lot sturdier than it looks. That was the best sub $200 setup I could come up with. Alternatively if I had more money to throw at this setup, I would've bought two of these.
Monitor, monitor, who is the comfiest of them all?
Hey, are those B2230s I spot? Good choice!
Thanks mate, will give it a look :)
I have the black version of that keyboard. Honestly, I hate it to hades but I can't order a PS/2 to USB online and stores charge an arm and a leg for the adapter..
Sorry to hear that. I've had this one for a while and it works for me. I've been told I need to upgrade to a mechanical keyboard, but other than the hype, I don't see the point (at such ridiculous prices). I got that keyboard for $14 on a broke college student budget a while back and its been ticking along pretty well.
I'm glad you're happy with yours. But for me the keys are starting to stick. Otherwise it has amazing battery life.
I LOVE that keyboard. I've tried a couple of mechanical keyboards(Razer Blackwidow and Corsair K60) and I would never exchange my keyboard for any of those. And the most fascinating thing is that included batteries work for almost 3 years, with no sign of dying anytime soon
Can't you just get a different keyboard?
School's starting up, no money at the moment. And I do have other keyboards, but they're all PS/2 and don't work on this laptop sadly.
Hit your local Pawn Shop... can get them for under $5
I'll try that, thanks for the suggestion!
The only problem I have with this is that it says "Girlfriend" and not "Wife".
I have the same "C-Table" as an end table next to my couch. I like this creative use though :)
Just built a new gaming rig yesterday , and i'm an msi fan boy so i like the choice in mobo!
Kitty disapproves of your rubberdome keyboard.
I love this, because it is a solution without needing a huge TV. Looks like so much fun.
This is awesome. Nice cat by the way.
What case is that on the left? Looks pretty nice.
Thanks! It's an Apevia X-QPack 2 (Pink). Not my favorite case for building in but it serves it's purpose and my girlfriend likes it.
From the first picture of the monitors it looks like they are stacked up on the pile of crap in the background
I hope you're not trying to play any shooters with that wireless mouse and keys
Are you and your SO morbidly obese?

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