Gaming Setup - Computer Setup


My dads going through the same thing, positive thinking all the way Bro. Stay strong.
What kinda cancer? If you don't mind me asking
Stage 4 Bowel Cancer. it's terminal. However, they may be able to control it, here's to hoping!
Geez that's a lot worse than mine. I have stage 4 Testicular cancer, but it's only because 5 or so little tumors decided to play hopscotch through my lymphatic system. I really do hope your dad gets through this.
Headshot cancer, pwn dat nub.
I have humble-bundle codes for (on origin) Dead Space, Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3, Crysis 2, Dead Space 3, Medal of Honor, Mirror's Edge, Populous, and Burnout Paradise. Message me if you want any of them OP. Good luck with the chemo. Defeat cancer so you can enjoy more stuff!
Thanks but I already have the humble bundle. I really appreciate it though
At the moment Chivalry, but I'm downloading Terraria and CSGO
If you get on BF3 at all let me know!
I'll have to download it, or wait till I get home. just to warn ya, I am terrible at the game so far.
That game is way more fun when you are bad at it. Who needs guns when you can fly a c4 laden helicopter into an enemy tank?
Or dirtbike! I'm no noob but I have to admit, that shit is fun!
Dirtbikes on BF3? Did they come with some DLC?
Yep, the last one. End Game. They are the fastest land vehicle in the game and are hella fun!
Damn! And of course you have to get every DLC before that to get it to work. I have only the Back to Karkand or something on my PS3. Well lets hope that they are on sale for pc at some point since I have only the base game for PC from the previous Humble Bundle.
Yeah no worries man, I can get a group of guys together and we can have a blast doing random stuff. The game is more fun when you are goofing around anyways. Let me know if you end up getting it.
Children's actually has good WiFi, it's not too bad, all of those games downloaded under an hour. the place is even packed so I'd expect the bandwidth to be ridiculous. But it is Dayton, so I don't expect everyone to have a device that can connect to WiFi
And no I'm not a 12 year old before any of you ask, I'm turning 17 in October, so i'm not a dumb kid
Doesn't matter your age you are a fellow gamer who is fighting cancer and I would have to say kick that cancer's ass to you whether you were 3 or if you were 47 though 17 is good too. I will play chivalry with you if you would like :).
Was just thinking this, all respect to the kid I hope you get better. But 17 is still pretty young, so is 22.
I'm 21 and feel like I'm 11, still waiting on the magic age when you start feeling like an adult.
I posted this so people wouldn't think "oh god a kid who's gonna think he's big stuff" or something like that. I just don't want people to think I'd be like someone who just tried out every swear word on COD
My internet is 300 KB/s....
Good for you lol the night i got out of the cath lab for my heart-attack i was raiding on the laptop
Stay Strong and keep swinging! You got this!
All my wishes go out to you, best of luck dude
Going to need a second setup in the bathroom! Good luck, dude.
M11X brofist. The most underrated gaming laptop ever. had mine for 4 years now, still running perfectly.
Where did you find a stealth boy in the hospital?!?
Wishing you a speedy recovery young gamer. ..kick its ass and game well into your old age.
Yep! me too, gift of gaming :)
A true gamer. "Fuck you, cancer, I got gaming to do."
Been there. It's a tough road, keep your head up.
His equipment cost more than all out rigs haha Seriously, get well soon man!
Hey Tuck, get well soon!
Stay strong. i hope you get well soon.
I honestly wasn't expecting such a response, even a few man tears came to my eyes. You fine gentlemen/ladies are worthy of following into battle. PM me with your steam name and I'd be glad to play with you guys. I need new people to play with anyway
Fuck that cancer, I'm watching house right now and it's going great for the patient. Stay strong bro
Want DLC quest :D?
Please excuse my lack of knowledge here, but DLC quest?
It's on Steam! 0.75 cent! How have you had the cancer?, You should buy surgeon simulator and show kids in the hospital
I've had the tumor in my left testicle for over a year, I got it removed, and that's when we learned that it spread up my lymphatic system and skipped a few body cavities. I have about 4 or 5 tumors flipping their shit right now because of the chemo. The tumors are tiny so I should be done with all of this by chemo
Also that sounds cool, hit me up? :D
It's a game that takes the piss out of DLC. You have to buy DLC using in-game coins to continue, it's actually quite fun for the first half hour.
Read this as "Cherno", thought you were playing DayZ and just had a really sweet chair
Stay strong and keep fighting
Holy shit, OP's a ghost
Wish you all the best in your fight man.
That's awesome. I set my dad up with a gaming setup when he goes in for treatments. He mostly binges on TV shows and movies though. Stayin strong and positive is what it is all about.

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