Gaming Setup - Computer Setup


Wow. Just wow. Curious, do you have your pilot's license IRL?
Haha no. But a buddy of mine who is trying for his multi engine is tempting me to get a PPL, but realistically, I need to get an 8K raise first.
8? You can get a sport pilot license here for $3995
This is amazing!!! If you're looking for that $8k I can promise you, your current setup could easily fetch that for an enthusiast that doesn't have the means or time to create something as amazing as what you made. If you're in a big enough city I'd highly recommend putting an add out, have a potential buyer come in check out what you've made then custom build them one.
Could always get your self the personal pilot license to fly smaller planes. should be much cheaper.
That's pretty much what the PPL is.
How do you earn a living ?
Someday when I get my own house I hope to be half as inventive and ingenious as you.
Well I can't take all the credits, this person started it all and give me the idea!
Do you play War Thunder?
That's like asking a racing car driver if they own a pedal car.
Specs PLEASE! I would love that for playing warplane games with an ugly ass Warthog.
You mean my PC specs? Nothing too special, just a i5-2500k, 8Gb ram, and a GTX 670
Wow, this it outstanding, Here i am just dreaming of having a decent driving rig and this pops up. Seriously envious of this. Awesome!
Inspiring Husbands all over the coolcomputersetupss to pick up a 6 month weekend project. Well done sir.
That is so sick dude! Think you'll get a oculus rift for the babey?
That is awesome!What's your simulator of choice?
Ah, I am unfamiliar with that software. Guess that's why I didn't pick up on that.
I've been noticing it being mentioned a bit more recently. I really need to give it a shot one of these days.
Where can I get that DCS A-10 book? Did you print the manual yourself or can you buy it?
He mentions it costing around $80 to have it printed (with a custom cover) in one of the photo captions towards the end. BookBaby, I think? On mobile, hard to check.
Looks like a pretty awesome setup, what do you do for a living?
Holy shit, that is by far and away the coolest thing i've seen on here. Amazing stuff :O
How short are you? I feel like there is no way in hell my 6'2" frame could fit in there without feeling like I'm in one of those Little Tikes cars.
Fucking damn, that is pretty sweet. Nice CSR Elite by the way, I'll be getting rid of mine to step up to a CSW later this year.
What sim do you fly in with this?
Nice pit. Just bought UH-1. Starting to like DCS myself.
What kind of joystick/throttle combo is that? Looks badass
This is pretty much my dream setup. I am currently building my own hackintosh in a G5 case, as well as a driving / flight sim rig. I think you might actually be me.
Could you link the wallpaper please?
Hands down, best gaming setup I've ever seen! Excellent job.
Where did you get that stick?
Seriously one of the coolest things I've ever seen here!
I'm all in awe in the engineering and what not but honestly....
Sorry the next one is going to be VR :)
As opposed to being a celibate faggot like you, good sir!?
I honestly can't tell if you're being serious.

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