Gaming Setup - Computer Setup


Had no idea, thanks! I've been wanting to watch Lost, but first I need to get through Breaking Bad and Game Of Thrones. This is one of those times I really wish I had Netflix.
No problem, and I give Lost my whole hearted recommendation. Just make sure you leave yourself at least a day to watch because you often can't stop!
I plan on getting through as many shows as possible over winter break, hopefully I can finish them all. Thanks for the recommendation!
I just got this desk yesterday! Isn't it fantastic?
It's awesome! It fits PERFECTLY in my room, it was pretty cheap, and it was easy to set up. What more could you ask for? :)
Where might I purchase this desk? I've seen it a few times now
I get lost in there, so i get too frustrated to buy anything worth while
Maybe browse their website before going in the store, so you know exactly what you want before hand?
I always make sure to browse the website first to know what to look for when I go in. It is a daunting store, but it's worth the stress for some awesome, reasonably priced furniture.
And it has other stuff. Seriously, it was 1-stop dorm shop to me.
I have this same desk! I have a longer version woth drawers though, but it's probably the best one I'll ever use.
I honestly could not be happier with it. Nice and simple, and gets the job done.
Exactly and there's SO MUCH ROOM FOR ACTIVITIES.
Great clean gaming setup. I just hope that the CPU fan is in a pull configuration, otherwise your GPU is pretty much burning.
Thanks for the positive feedback! Yes, the fan is in pull position; I wish I could have turned it sideways, but the fan wouldn't clear my ram. Thankfully, I've run gpu temp checks and the heat is always fine.
Well as long as you got it to fit than I see no harm in putting it in a different position.
Hey, quick question about that cable management thigny. Do you have a link to it on the ikea website? Thanks! Great setup too!
Damn, that Galant is a nice desk. I'm gonna have to buy a desk soon and that one is on the short list, definitely.
I would definitely recommend it, especially if you opt for the corner desk.
I used that keyboard for a long time, was a great keyboard till i transitioned to the blackwidow ultimate!
I have the same case. What do you think of it? I hate mine.
I could take it or leave it. I wish it had more in the way of cable management, but I guess you can't ask for too much from a $50 mid tower.
That's my main problem. The cable management is pretty limited, and I don't like having only 2 usb ports on the front. I got mine for $25 from Newegg, so I guess I can't complain too much.
At least you got it discounted, I'd say for $25 its a steal.
Upvote for the Dharma logo :)
What size is this desk ?
63" (long end) x 47" (short end)

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