Gaming Setup - Computer Setup


The glory of the Optiplexes was both marvelous and sad, for they shone in their final moments, ten thousand times brighter than every moment before.
I've still got 3 of those in my office running Ubuntu 13.04 x64 and they run marvelously. I have another running Windows 8 x64 though, and it's pretty sluggish. Just a media server set up, nothing fancy or work horse.
So is it glorious or sad that the law office where I work has nothing but Optiplexes (edit: most of them running XP)? When I saw this picture, I thought to myself, oh! That could be our server room..
Nope, I work at a University. Nothing but optiplexes here
Optiplexes, especially the GX620's, are frighteningly common. I repair desktops on the side and was given 5 of them the other day.
Got an optiplex sat next to me, it is awful, I wish work would get some better hardware.
I'm not entirely sure what is going on in this picture, but I like it.
Its man, enjoying his coffee on his automated cup holder, watching TV on a Mac... bask in all its glory.
A man sitting in a room with something like 70 Dell Optiplexes, to be more precise.
I like your coffee cup holder.
Just noticed the coffee holder. Damn funny, damn funny.
Ah, I've worked on so many of those machines. Both good and terrible memories.
I could so imagine this all being servers connected together, but all the servers are furniture.
I don't get it. Your company just stores 50+ of the same PC in a store room that you use as seating and tables? As awesome as that is, why don't they do something with those machines, like resell them? Seems like they take up a lot of space.
I guess you didn't have to use your AK.
I guess you could say, it was a good day.
Good old Optiplexes. My first computer was a slim-style GX280. Luckily, it had a PCI-E 2.0 port, so I threw my first graphics card in there, and had my first makeshift gaming PC.
The cup holder was a nice touch.
What exactly is your occupation?
He most likely works for a school. Anytime they change computers, they have HUGE amounts of leftovers that they generally sell off, or donate. (A few get "lost" on their way)
Any idea on how to get some for a school in Boston?
Look for local auctions. We liquidate all of our older assets via auctions and use the money to help pay for new equipment.
I would like to know this as well
I work for a data/legal software company. I am a system admin.
It's odd that you specified that the software is legal..
I assume you're joking, but in case you're not: law firms use specialized software. Source: I'm a paralegal. Slightly relieved to know OP is in the legal field, with all these comments about the 'good old Optiplex days'!
Clearly my joke was awful. I figured he meant legal like law firm. Was trying to imply rather than illegal software business.
I had an eMac for like 5 years. It was a damned good workhorse desktop. 1 GHz processor, 1 GB of RAM, 17" CRT, and I even had that clear plastic stand for it. It doubled as my DVD player in my room for many-a-date, got me through more college papers than I care to remember, and I even joined Coolcomputersetups from it. As for being a gaming setup, it handled Starcraft: Brood War like a champ. With Protoss, assuming someone on the map was Zerg and the least bit inattentive, I could Nydus in less than 15 minutes.
How I miss pxe imaging of dell machines.
I'd love to do the same, but I think almost all of our Optiplexes have been Surplussed just in the last couple months :(
We just sent the last of ours to auction a month ago. Now we're selling off the fort we built from removed HP dc7900s.
Haha you hanging out in surplus?
I repaired a 3010 just yesterday.
Find a local Free Geek if you're looking for proper disposal and a tax write off.
Gotta love those old PC's. I took IT in highschool, and we had to fix those all the time.
620's and 745's are pretty amazing until you try to transport them and realize how slick they are when stacked on the sides. >.<
Optiplexes are like Fords... Some models are great, others totally blow. Except when their fans fail and they over heat. :)
DVD drive drink holder is a nice touch
I love the disk drive used as a cup holder
Finally! An actual use for dell computers!
Ok guys I just got the green light from the powers that be to downvote this post into oblivion because it has nothing to do with Gaming setups and more to do with some lamewad trying to shill credit by posting something that has nothing to do with Gaming setups.
This masterpiece is my gaming setup. I do all my work from my man made couch. If that is my destiny, then I accept it.
All I can see is a bunch of computers that need to be switched to ubuntu, and a mac.
Ubuntu runs like a champ on those today.

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