Gaming Setup - Computer Setup


So I was wondering, could you fit more lights in it?
Too many lights, other then that looks great!
Someones parents have money ;D
So, this is how the 1% lives... How do I join the club?
Saving and DJing! Admittedly some of it was from parents for christmas and birthdays etc!
The graphics cards and DJ controller, that's about it though!
Holy crap. When I was 18, I had a Pentium 75 with a single 14" CRT monitor. Kids these days...
Bought it all gradually over 3 years, christmas, birthdays etc!
Can you please tell me what wallpaper that is?
Building a nice computer setup was probably the worst thing I could of done to my college GPA.
I'm an animation student! I'm ahead of schedule because I love what I do and never experience tech errors!
Well that's great then! :D
Money doesn't seem like too much of an obstacle for you, so I'll say you're missing out on a nice ergonomic chair for your gaming setup (aeron, leap, humanscale). Everything else is too flashy for my taste though.
Ive just entered into student life, glad i bought this before hand, i can't even afford a fan now..
Judging by the lights, it can travel through time?
You could see that thing from space
While I'd kill for a set up like that... it's a little too messy for me and flashy. Much respect if you managed to pay for all of that on your own though. I could barely afford my 800$ build while saving for school.
I have the same keyboard and it is so damn good
Tell me more about the arc reactor.
The lights were fucking ridiculous. As well as the "forbidden brand" Known as AlienWare... Is not to be mentioned. They nearly are putting most of the investment in the damn, LEDs...
I like lights! Plus, Alienware are regarded as shit because of over-pricing but this one has decent specs: 8GB RAM, 650m etc and I got it for £395 refurb. Way better deal than I would've got in another shop for a shitter laptop!
Your PC reminds me of Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon :) haha (sorry)
Gaming setup of a spoiled 18y/o. Nice set up but DAMN that adds up.
Did you make that case or buy it?
Nice, turntables > CDJs though.
All the lights are definitely over the top, but why not do it, you only live once. Everything else is quite nice! :)
Beast setup at 18! :)
What speakers are you using?

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