Gaming Setup - Computer Setup


What OS is the Cat running?
Mac OS X Leopard.
Love the Vertigo poster. Have one of those myself!
I swear I've seen this on /g/ before. I remember thinking how cozy that room looks when I saw it a while back.
You did, I've seen it on there too
Awesome room! Cute kitty too :)
What camera is that.looks sweet
+1 for the Alien poster.
I love the look on the face of your cat
Nice, OP can you tell me what desk that is? Looking into a new desk and that one looks really nice and slim.
Well. It's back to getting the IKEA Galant now :).
The Galant is a great looking desk. I was about to buy it and then decided to mix-n-match table top and legs.
I just bought a LINNMON workspace. My girlfriend insists that it's "not a desk, it's a table."
I'm interested in the smaller A-Style galant because the A legs should distribute weight across evenly and better than T Legs or Straight Legs. This will be better for putting my pc ontop of it and not having to worry about desk drooping on one side because of the weight.
This is a very nice setup you have there. Very clean, not to be weird, but most of the setups are kind of messy. I like it man very well done you put so effort into making it look very nice.
You should post more pictures in r/malelivingspace Nice gaming setup!
Do you like your Phantom?
Yep, the cable management features weren't that great though.
I'm thinking about getting the Blue Snowball, how do you like it?
I like it, it picks up a lot though. I just use mine for VOIP because I couldn't wait for the Modmic 4.0 to come out but the quality is much better than any mic I've used in the past.
Was there a noticeable difference once you put the pop filter on the snowball?
Only when speaking directly into it. Since I use it for VOIP it's off to the side so it doesn't really have a noticeable change.
Ok. I use mine exclusively for talking to my friends on Skype while gaming or just when I don't feel like texting so I guess I don't need one either haha.
What camera are you using? That is the crispest fisheye shot I have seen in a while
Do those curtains block out the light well?
Where'd you get the framed posters from?
Posters from and these frames.
What a cozy room, I'd love to live in a room of that size.
I always love the "Can I help you?" expression that cats give when you're taking a picture. Also, sweet setup.
I really like the way you set up your room, your gaming setup looks fantastic!
At the risk of sounding like Bubbles, that's one fucking nice kitty.
So much awesome in the room is starting to cause it to bulge outwards D:
Is that the Markus chair? If it is how are you finding it? Thinking of gifting myself one for christmas.
Bed is too small for comfortable sexual relations between two average sized US spec adults.
I don't know why you got downvoted, that's the first thing I thought when I saw the room, its a great room but there's no way sex is good on that bed.
That's why he has the tissues on the night stand.
Awww. The bedside fap station a must have...
Computer: Check. Cat: Check. Upvote: Why not, I love cats.
The vertigo poster is pretty sweet. The
Are you kidding? The Django poster is sick

Tags: cozy computer setups
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