Large Monitors - Computer Setup


Sorry I have to rant but I really hate when people don't show at least one side of the full box when they show the parts, so I can't see what parts are going into the build. Maybe even putting it in the text in coolcomputersetups would help out a lot.
Good point, guess its easy for me to see the pic and know what it all is.
Why would you get a 4gb 770?
Obviously you have a reason I should not have, why do you think it was a poor choice?
Unless you have a 1440p monitor or higher or multiple monitors there really isn't a point. It's still a great card though!
I do a lot of photo editing and I actually do plan to run multiple large monitors in the future. Just using what I have for now. I have my first child on the way next month, and I was hoping to sort of future proof my needs, because after next month I dont think there will be much PC money lol. I do totally understand that its a bit overkill for what I have atm.
Then you planned perfectly :P Congrats on soon being a father!
Ah, the infamous quadruple post.
I wish there was a delete button on AlienBlue. Ninja Edit- found it.
I have a 770 2gb. How is the 4gb working out for you? I can max out almost every game I play.
Man I love that RAM , got the same one and I couldn't be happier with the choice :D
May i ask what made you go for the UD5H ?
Honestly it was part of a new egg bundle I found, it did everything I was looking for and the price was right. There were a lot of mixed reviews regarding USB ports not working and other issues. I think those reviews stemmed from poor installation of the additional 3.5" 3.0 ports. I have been running for about 2 weeks now and have had zero issues after I did all the updates for the board.
BIOS updates are very important once you get it installed, so I can imagine that some people may have issues.
Lovely rig and room! Built the beast just in time for the steam sales, enjoy your new setup!!
=) Thanks, funny thing is I have been buying games in steam sales for the better part of the year, its like the new pc came with a whole catalog of games I've been saving to play! Along with the holiday bundle games I got for picking up a gforce card! so many games, so little time.
Glad to hear it man, enjoy!
Well, this was my first real pc (history of slim dell workstations), I didn't have anything to put it in! I did have to fight the urge to just put it together on the dining room table.
I picked up the same CPU/MOBO combo and have been in love with it. Enjoy!
Why did you install the PSU with the intake fan on the inside of the case?
Damn, with those specs you could probably run a virtual machine with steamOS on the TV while running your host pc on the other two all at the same time!
Awesome set up... but I can't help but love that hobbit fireplace 0_0*
Kudos on the cable management, for a first build thats really tidy. Most first builds I've come across(including mine) have been a mess.

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