Main Monitor - Computer Setup


I used synergy for a while but I noticed that synergy messes up photoshop for some reason. I've been using ShareMouse free which is okay. I rarely need to switch between computers anyway.
The gray dynamic floating orbs for the lock screen and just plain black for the home screen.
You should definitely keep the theme of space going... maybe a satellite, space station, voyager, ect XD
That wallpaper is awesome. Do you have a link to it somewhere?
You should calibrate those monitors so all the colors match
IIRC, Apple's panels are usually richer in color when compared to other monitors. It's likely as close as OP can get them.
Nice idea for wallpaper :)
If the main monitor was that close to me, my eyes would begin to bother me -_-
Which planet is that?
It is obviously a fake planet because the shaded parts (night-time) of the planet and its moon don't match.
This sub is becoming r/cubicleporn.
Of course, that already exists.
I was surprised that the bot exists
I'm never surprised on coolcomputersetups.
Awesome! You should remove the cover thing on the Retina MacBook though; it restricts the airflow from the fans through the keyboard.

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