Matching Monitors - Computer Setup


You just have a giant fucking server in your house for the hell of it? Lol
I moved from a place with a basement where I kept the server rack to a home without a basement... I could not just get rid of the server rack so I put it in my office!
Ah makes sense! Is it like a nas or? What's its purpose :)?
I use the WHS as a nas mostly... The Surface is only a 128GB so I am able to store most files on the WHS.
Nice setup my friend! You need matching monitors though. Maybe a monitor dual monitor stand?
Some day I would like to upgrade to something like that
Could you provide a link to that lamborghini wallpaper?
That is sweet, it was a great wallpaper and I found it on Coolcomputersetups
You have all that stuff, yet you choose to game with the filthy peasants. Ascend with us. Gaben will forgive you.
How do you like the slingbox? I've been thinking about getting one but am having trouble justifying it

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