Mismatched Monitors - Computer Setup


I'm glad i'm not the only one with a bunch of mismatched monitors :)
How are the 7870's performing? I have one and I'm looking into getting another for future games.
Quite well. Running Borderlands 2 max setting 3240x1920 res triple buffered (I don't care if it doesn't over 60 FPS I don't like tearing).
I'm not trying to hate on your setup even though I'm still on a dual monitor setup but don't the bezels being different and variance between each screen annoy the crap out of you during gameplay?
Yeah... not my favorite part. But I bought the set up $150 at a time and didn't buy the monitors together (one was even a gift and not to my specs)
How odd, you've clearly got dual HD7800 series cards but piriform says dual 6800 cards.
Shit your right it is the wrong cap. That was the speccy after I got the 8 Core and liquid cooling installed but before I got the 7870's.

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