Multiple Monitors - Computer Setup


The way that wallpaper aligns is cool as fuck.
Cool as fuck, but that forehead split.
I've never hated bezels so much
Why? This clearly isn't a eyefinity setup. Multi-screen workstation but looks like he games on 1 screen.
When you game on multiple monitors your mind will adapt to ignore the bezels. The issue here is that the image is awkwardly split up.
This setup is not used for gaming on multiple monitors. You actually give a shit about bezels when your doing work, watching movies and monitoring servers, etc? Most people will say no...
I can't tell if you are a troll or if you didn't read my comment.
Which is irrelevant anyways, since the problem is her forehead split.
Yeah. I was trying to respond to Buzzkill's comment about eyefinity. Upon lurking his profile I have concluded that he is either A. Insecure about his intelligence, or B. A master troll
This is not an eyefinity setup. So wtf are you talking about bezels in eyefinity. Obviously the chicks forehead is split and its annoying but its nothing to do with how big the bezel is...
You're the only person talking about bezels in eyefinity. The word 'eyefinity' wasn't even brought up until you jumped in.
Rofl, i brought it up because its not the bezels that screw up the background its the entire layout of the monitors. Bezel or no bezel this is still going to looked fucked. I brought up the eyefinity thing because thats the only time I've heard of anyone caring how thick the bezel is. This setup is not for multiscreen gaming, therefore why does everyone care about bezels that don't matter?
Top monitor with the forehead is tilted, but it still may not look perfect.
Some would say it's as epic as Epic Network Music.
It's kinda cool, but you miss out on the best part of the wallpaper because there is no monitor on top.
I agree, the monitor setup with the wallpaper is fucking awesome. The toys on the table are kinda cliche "nerd" though. Also, tidy up the wires and it will look every more fucking awesome.
Since this entire setup is in a repurposed closet there is a shelf above the monitors where my computer and receiver sit along with a bunch of other chotchkies.
I also wanted a gaming setups in my closet, but it's too small for multiple monitors. And there's no ventilation so it would get hot in there.
He/she likes what they like. Who cares if they're "cliche nerd", I'm not going to not like something because other people like it.
Right? Doing so would be like Hipster 101...
How did you align the wallpaper like that across your monitors?
I am using Ultramon. This wallpaper just happened to line up like this when I used one wallpaper stretched across all four monitors.
You might want to change the top right one to cure her hydrocephalus
Based on the extent of Latin roots that I know:
Thank you, I knew I could count on you.
I do it with Photoshop. I just take a screenshot of my desktop and then I put a picture over it and just set it to tile in Windows. No extra software
So basically you just tile the image in photoshop?
Great tool for multi-monitor setup. Sadly, the normal price is absolutely ridiculous, but I got it cheaply from Steam sale.
$25USD isn't too much to ask for something I use everyday and I can barely live without.
Well that quickly adds up if I start paying like that for everything that I "use every day". Wonder why no-one ever bought Winrar... It's just that giving utility programs high prices doesn't invite people to buy them, maybe pirate them. I think they would get a lot more sales with cheaper price. And the euro Steam price for it was more like 40 dollars.
Fraps is overhyped. There are better alternatives.
It was on steam sale? WUTTT
Yeah, apparently steam sells applications now.
Do you have a link to that Wallpaper? I can never find a HD one just a shitty 800x600 or thumbnail xD.
Oh I am going to enjoy the shit out of this.
I was looking at it for a good minuite or so thinking "How the hell is her T-Shirt floating like that?" I'm a dumbarse.
Yeah...I'm going to need you to explain that to another dumbass. Is it like...low gravity?
Clearly close enough to see a planet on the right so it would be low gravity
Yup, check her dog tag and uh.. boobs too I think. (do boobs do that in null gravity?)
Is this from an anime, or someones creative mind?
Its awesome this is some random creative spawn, that was given birth to, in this artists mind.... but its also a bummer, because this seems like a great anime show.
Suddenly I'm depressed that this isn't a thing.
Its like the 10th anniversary of Firefly all over again.
You. Go write a full short story. Now.
You should become an anime director.
I used to have that. My family thought it was cartoon porn.
Probably because the top of her shorts sit about an inch above where her vagina starts.
They did point that out, apparently "yeah but it doesn't show her vagina so how is it porn" isn't a defence.
Here's my entire wallpapers folder. Some phone/tablet ones in there too. [2 NSFW pics]
Nice, star citizen made it into that folder.
Whoa whoa whoa... whats the deal with that Guns of Icarus wallpaper? I mean... that is Guns of Icarus yes? Why are there giant Colossus' standing around?
Most of them I've gotten from this coolcomputersetups, so most of the concept art ones are just because I liked them
Was it only me who had to look through them all to see both NSFW pics?
They must be fun at summer...
So? This is like, G rated.
Yes that is the source. Thank you for posting the link to his devianart page, he has a lot of great images that I use for wallpapers.
I would love to find that wallpaper as well!
I'd like this wallpaper too, it's quite nice.
I could probably find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy...
Hmm. Whats the monitor layout like? I've never seen one like that. Trying to imagine what the uppermost two might be used for.
Ill be completely honest, I dont have a legitimate use for this many monitors. I dont program, I dont trade stocks, the four are just a result of me wanting to upgrade my primary monitors but still having two older perfectly functioning monitors.
Out of curiosity, why not mount them on either side of your main monitors? Maybe it's just me, but I feel looking up and the left/right of where ever I'm normally looking would be sort of awkward.
The main reason, not enough space. The outer edges of the top two monitors are actually touching the walls. A secondary reason is the difference in resolution, if they were all side by side you can tell how things appear to change resolution as you drag them across windows, by staggering the monitors like this you dont notice it as much. The bonus reason is it gives it that "matrixy" feel of being immersed/surrounded by monitors.
Oh, I didn't notice the room was so small. I also forgot the room in question was a closet. My bad!
Where does the netbook come in?
Fondo Chica Anime Gamer is the name, not sure if it has any origin relevance or if its just a wallpaper. I posted the link to the image itself in here somewhere for everyone.
Is this wallpaper available on dual monitors? I'm sure it won't be as cool, but I still want it haha
Drominius posted the link to the original image somewhere else in here...
Are those Fisher Audio FA11s?
Its actually a BOSE Lifestyle 38 system. Im told its overkill for a computer in a closet, id say they have a point, but I love it.
Really loving the look, bro.
You need to color correct your top right monitor.
I use the same wallpaper :D
Love the wall-mount look...can't wait to do that myself some day.
So many screens, but so little space
Appreciation for your first gen Logitech G15 keyboard. Mine's still working just as great as the day I bought it new.
Original Logitech g15 for the win. I have 4 of them just I case one dies.
I saw that wallpaper from a dubstep single.
Do you have any AC in there? I bet it gets hot if you can close the doors. I'm sweating just thinking about it
No AC but its not bad at all, this isnt a walk in closet. I basically took the doors off of a hallway closet. The desk is in the closet and when I am sitting at my gaming setup I am actually blocking the hallway leading out my bedroom, which works out because of the other door.
Nothing about that says closet gamer.
Except that this setup is in a closet.
Well I feel like a fool now.
This is awesome! It really inspires me to fix up my own. How old are you? Just wondering.
It must get really hot in there.
Do I spot a Logitech G11 keyboard, OP? I'm typing this comment out with one right now ;D
Original G15. Amazing how well this thing has held up despite some very heavy use. This thing is about 7-8 years old now.
I had one of those keyboards. I don't know what your definition of heavy usage is, but I never had a Logitech last more than three years of coding and gaming. They still function, but the circular tubes that align the keys seem to wear quickly and cause key presses to feel inconsistent, which screws with my typing speed.
My friends did the opposite. He has his bed in his walk in closet so he has more room for has set up.
Totally have that wallpaper on my laptop. Favorite one I've found so far
Looks like someone watches Aphros stream :)
Her breasts float but her hair stays down.
Why do people use multiple monitors? I just bought a big screen and it does the same job but much better.
With your big screen, can you, say, play a game full screen on one screen while Coolcomputersetups is open on another, while your facebook/ twitter/ Twitch is open on the other?
I can play it in 1/4th of the screen and do the exact same thing.
But then you wouldn't have the full resolution of the game. I can't play a game if it's not 1080p.
Are those Fisher Audio FA11s?
Specs of the netbook pushin it?
Where is your wallpaper from?
Because a laptop is mobile and a desktop isn't.
Its a Xeon Server Netbook, very cool hardware. Notice the cables all running behind it, its running the whole setup.
Also, SLI Titans in there to handle all the monitors.
I absolutely hate that wallpaper.

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