New Monitor - Computer Setup


Aren't you worried that your bike might fall down? by the way you have an awesome BattleStation!
"I feel like going for a ride, let's just slowly take down the bik- F*CK" and then you walk down to the store and buy a new monitor and laptop, and your face might hurt too. That's basically what happened to me when I hung my bike up in my garage like that... of course I'm not very careful...
Very nice looking monitor. I've been tossing up between the S2340L, the U2412M and the upcoming U2414H. How would you rate the S2340L?
59 inch Limmon desk from Ikea if I'm correct?
Yup! Not the sturdiest desk, but a desk.
Do you like it ?,I need a new bigger desk and I'm on a budget.
Yeah, It works just fine. I think everything all together was like $25 ish. The wire cage under the desk was like another $10 I think (it's unpictured)
What is the black rectangular object to the left of the monitor?
External Hard Drive. 1TB USB3
Ahh feel like that I should have known that lol
What is under the laptop?
HP's new docking station for ultrabooks. The docking connector is on the side now instead of the bottom, which makes it able to fit the newer slimmer business class elitebooks.
I fell in love with your monitor... what model is that?

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