Of Monitor - Computer Setup


Ah yes, the ol "if someone walks into my room, they can't see what's on my screen" setup
I just switched to that myself. It's against the wall though, by the door.
Your PC must have terrible latency because of that SJ train wallpaper.
Really clean setup! Very nice! What kind of monitor mount is that? Looking for one for my two monitors.
Cool! Thanks so much. And yeah btw, nice cable management!
How do you like that mount? I have been looking at that one sure awhile for my dual monitor setup.
Very stable & good build quality. After tightening all the screws the monitors stick to that position and dont slide down. The USB hub is really nice aswell.
Looks exactly the same as my mount, except mine is called the Duronic Dm352.
We have the same case, keyboard and mouse ;)
Where do you find those cable management Sleeves?
Just a regular cable sock/sleeve I found cheap online. When you cut them (for desired length) they start breaking and I had to duct tape them where the cut was.

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