One Monitor - Computer Setup


Looks pretty sweet, what monitors?
Just your standard LED Monitors.
What's the anime that's playing on your monitor? Otherwise, nice setup, a bit cluttered (as mentioned) but looks great.
The anime I'm currently watching is Spice and Wolf, pretty good stuff coming from it. Slow paced, very nice romantic side to it as well. One thing you shouldn't expect too much out of it is action.
What desk are you using there?
Couldn't find any table that would fit in the small space, so I decided to build one in it myself.
I've considered that option as well but I just don't have the patience. I really need a new desk though, I barely have room for this one monitor I'm using and my speakers right now, let alone the triple-monitor setup I want.
Ok pictures, a little cluttered station, bad cable management but over all a strong station :)
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