Programming - Computer Setup


I got an Alienware M14x R2, so this question is not based of disgust or anything like that.. Why do you have those two laptops so close?
They were bought about a year apart. i got the m17x first because i wanted portable power. i bought the m11x later because i wanted a better portable laptop. back then it was either spend money on a tablet or a netbook. i decided to stick to what i knew and get another alienware (refurb) so i could play some older games too. about a few weeks later sager announced their better 11 inch gaming notebook and i would have gotten that had i known
Please be gentle with the whole "one person doesn't need four computers" shit...I say it enough to myself every day...
One person doesn't need four computers!!!11!!1one
Finding a spot to put that projector was pretty tough didn't want it too high because of keystone issues but didn't want it too low so someone could accidentally hit it with their head. Honestly that sub I have puts out more vibrations in my house than bed magic could ever hope to
A ton of shitty mice and headsets. You have more money than sense.
Couldn't agree more about the sense part. What would you consider to be a good mouse?
Palm, claw or fingertip grip? How large is your hands?
Med-large. My Nagas are my favorite feel and I think they are described as palm grips.
If you are looking for an ideal 'gaming' headset, the sennheiser pc360s are your best option. Better than spending equal or more on four other sets imho :p
I agree on the Zowie AM. I've used a friend's and it is hands down the best mouse I've ever used. Only problem is how it's a bit too small, but it's okay to claw-palm with.
Yep you're old one was a yammaha
If you don't mind me asking, what do you do for a living?
I sell beer on a golf course
How old are you that you have one room, yet bought all this stuff?
Mid twenties. Keep in mind that I've spent the last six years of paychecks on rent to mom and all this shit in these pics. After buying so much you learn what's a real waste of money and what to start looking out for. It all didn't cost me that much really. Keep an eye out for deal sites like cowboom, woot, and onesaleaday. Be willing to buy used and refurb items. I'm sure the whole thing looks like tens of thousands but it's more like less than half that
Do you wanna get rid of that recycling bin, well, from your desktop anyway
Wicked cool. You've given me a few ideas on what to spend my last paychecks on.
Over the years I've built up some pride taking a regular computer and doing more with it. Connecting a computer to a tv goes miles. It can be everything from a gaming console to a Netflix player to an Apple TV...all in one. I've never had to buy any gimmicky thing like a roku or Apple TV. The pc version of Netflix and YouTube are all superior in every way.
Can i possibly have that extra keyboard?

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