Second Monitor - Computer Setup


Every time I look at computer setups I always look to see if the chair is the same as mine, almost all of the chairs looks so similar. But today I finally did it. Someone with the same chair as me.
I love this thing. I've had it for years, with a perfect imprint.
I cannot remember for the life of me.
I think I got that chair at costco about 10 years ago.
I'm curious, what language do you code in, and what do you create?
Judging by the stickers on his MBP, JavaScript is one of them. So webdev maybe?
I do all kinds of things, kind of a jack-of-all trades software engineer. What I mostly do, however, is conversion of older applications into client-server web applications, mostly in NodeJS and form-based front-ends.
I want to rub my bare feet in your carpet. =)
I need to vacuum then :\ The price of having kids, I suppose.
It looks clean enough to me. I just haven't had the pleasure of having carpet at a desk before and immediately thought of massaging my feet in it.
What do you use the raid for?
I have a small virtualized infrastructure inside of VMware Fusion on the iMac. I keep an internal GitLab running, for example, and that's where my services run from. Plus docs, family pics, all the normal stuff.
Must say what a clean setup you have going here! Out of curiosity what type of L desk is that?
Is that some sort of twitter thing running on the second monitor in the first pic?
Now you just need a good mechanical keyboard. :)
We'll have to agree to disagree on that.
Really? Have you used one? It can't be the cost of them since you are rocking Apple gear.
I use mechanicals at work, and they drive me nuts :D
The clicking. I've always been a fan of these aluminum low-profile Apple keyboards because they are quiet and I've found I actually type quite a bit faster on them as the keys aren't raised.
There are tons of types of mechanical keyboards. Blue switches are the loud ones you're thinking of. As well as buckling-spring boards from IBM and NMB's space invader switches from 20 years ago.
You have Bose headphones and the clicking bothers you? :)
I work in collaborative spaces at work, and don't take them. Had things stolen in the past.
That is pretty lame when you can't trust the people you work with. Hope the job is awesome. I'd have a hard time working with such shitty co-workers.
Those apple displays are so expensive! Why not just opt for a normal monitor?
Just look at the thing. That's a damn fine display, even if they are expensive.
Still not sure how anyone affords the setups in this coolcomputersetups...
I'm not 22 and not in college anymore :D
I meant hard work lets you enjoy what makes you happy.
They are pretty... but definitely more expensive than they need to be.
Any you recommend specifically? I have been rocking a trio of Asus screens.
I like my Yamakasi Catleap a lot. It's the non-oc version, I kinda wish it was more than 60hz, but the clarity and general quality that is IPS panel is well worth it at $350.. I mean it's mind blowing how good IPS looks compared to that other trashy LCD technology.
Nice. I'll have to check that out! Thanks!
Apple monitors are such a waste of money. If you're on a budget just get a Qnix monitor on eBay. They have the exact same panels as Apple monitors, have guarantees to be pixel perfect, and cost less than half the price of an Apple display.
I scored one for half price (mini-DisplayPort) right before they started selling the Thunderbolt versions. I think I did alright, considering what they are worth.
There's more to a display than the panel used.
What about the Thunderbolt slot?
$500 extra dollars for a Thunderbolt hub? I'll let you decide if that's worth it or not.
I don't want or need to decide if they are worth the price difference, I just pointed out that there is a hardware difference.
Design. I guess you don't care, but a lot of people, including me do enjoy the design of those screens.
What if you aren't on a budget?
Then just buy from the company that originally makes the panels. (Samsung, LG, etc.)
I have that exact same desk fan. It's a really good model.
That must have cost you a pretty penny or two. i like apple products but there a little to rich for my blood.
Wasn't an overnight thing. I spent quite a bit of money over all, but piece by piece as I needed something.
Ya makes sense i did the same thing with my current desktop, its a amd fx 4.2 quad with 4gb ram and gtx 560 with dual monitors. also i have a home server with a amd 640 quad 3.2ghz 4gb ram and 3tb of storage. that took me about 5 monthsto put together.
RAID5, works well for me.
Is that all you are using? Anything offsite? I'd argue you aren't "safe enough". Especially since you are storing family memories there and your lively hood.
I have offsite, but part of safe is not telling you where it is.
Good. Just making sure. :)
apple monitors + bose headphones. i think someone likes to buy overpriced stuff
Well, I'm sorry that's your perspective. I've found that Apple products are very reliable over the long haul, hence that purchase. And as far as the Bose headphones, those were bought for my very long flights back and forth across the country, and they've been a godsend. I generally don't just plunk down cash unless I'm damned sure it's worth doing.
Being frugal with everything you buy has no point. It is so you can save money on the less important things, so you can buy/do what you love the most. OP is just buying what he likes, I don't see a point in judging him for his purchases. Its his money anyways.
I have all sorts of headphones, and I always take the bose QC's on plane trips
Is it Macs specifically, or all unix based systems you dislike?

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