Triple Monitor - Computer Setup


As the resident guy who sells pot?!
It seems like your left monitor is a different color than the rest. It bothers me.
Its just the angle, TN panels are not the greatest when it comes to viewing angles
Wow I didn't even know. And thanks!
... That makes no sense at all.
My last pc was dvi out and I would use dvi to hdmi all the time, your graphics card just has to support the function hence HD audio drivers being disabled in control panel for nvidia stops it from working [which might be why it doesn't for you]
Damn, son. McDonald's must pay good as shit in Australia.
Assuming OP is 18, he would be getting paid $16.55 /hr. If he is 20, he would be getting paid $22.12 /hr.
This makes me slowly dislike American Capitalism even more.
It is much more expensive to live in Australia, and lets not mention their $100 prices on new games.
Don't forget that the costs of living in the States are incredibly low in the States, although you're probably still better off being a minimum wage worker in Australia than in the States.
You are better off, especially after the monthly reaming of my tuition payments and healthcare. If I remember right, Aussies pay a lot less in both categories
The government pays for tuition and you pay it off when you get a job and healthcare is pretty much free. Also, as a student I get $500 a fortnight from the government, it's pretty great.
22.12/hr * 40 (lets say) * 8 (2 months) = $7078 - random expenses of 2k = $5000 - margin of error, taxes, random things (50%) - $2500 and you can still buy his computer twice over without a problem.
Jesus. I just got a promotion to a graphic artist position at a local news station and still don't even make 16 and hour. I am in the wrong business/country.
He has already informed he has no expenses.
Omg, thank you very much, I have 1TB Seagate external HDD, the mini usb connection broke, so I took it apart trying to solder it back on, that didn't work so I left it. It had never occurred to me that it was just a bit of pulling could fix this, thank you very much good sir.
You're welcome! That's exactly what I had, the 1TB external HDD. For some reason I just never thought that there might have been something else preventing my HDD from working, and since as far as I was concerned it was broken, I couldn't do any worse! I hope it helps you!
Hahaha I had the same thing with mine. Seagate must have pretty poor external casings.
Wow thanks, I'll definitely keep that in mind
Can confirm. My main HDD came from a broken external hdd.
Whenever any external drive fails i've pulled it out and just plugged it in direct. I don't know why those boards seem to fail freqently but i've had 3/5 go in the last 2 years and i'm not even that mean to them :(
Hello, fellow G500 Master Race User
My started to double click, so I grabbed the G500S, feels weird having a blue mouse than a red one.
You can feel the color? I kid...
I have a g500 and really hate the scrol wheel, it doesnt feel very steady on either setting. The mx518 felt waay better.
I too dislike the scroll wheel on my g500, the G400 (or g400s) is closer to the Mx518 :D
I love mine too :D
I couldn't stand the bezel in the middle, for monitor setups like that to work well you really need an odd amount of monitors imo.
I'm guessing he only uses the left three the one on the right is different.
Looks good. The viewing angle on those displays would drive me nuts. Welcome to the triple 24 club. You'll never want to go back.
Australian internet, I feel your pain, trust me it's worse in Sydney.
A question on your title choice.
Yeah, curious myself.. did you save up for months, or something?
2 months with out having any expenses?
I see.. i could afford that after 2 months... but with expenses :/ gas, food, etc... it would risky
Fuck it. When I'm 15 I'm getting a job there.
I have to be 16 to get a job :(
So curious. If you have the know how to build a computer, you obviously have enough skill to work in some dept of IT. Why stay at McDonalds? (I use to work IT, so i'm not sugar coating anything).
IT Departments want a flashy piece of paper. Knowing how to build computers as well as repair them doesn't get you no where unfortunately. You MIGHT get lucky if you know how to solder but its a very slim chance. Just to do software repair, they all want you to have at-least an A+ cert.
But don't get anything beyond your A+, because then you're overqualified. ಠ_ಠ
I started my first job in IT while in college. It was phone support. It sucked. But I was in school and it paid $13/hr with a flexible schedule. I had no credentials besides a HS diploma. Phone interview nailed it when I obviously knew my stuff. And yes, my background was tinkering and assembling computers for myself and friends. I eventually worked my way up from phone support. And for the record, soldering is one of the last skills you need.
Where I live I have to first study a higher course of math, then 3-4 years of university with computer science to work anywhere near IT. Unless you're one of those cock suckers who can get a job anyway.
It's 5 minutes from home, and the hours are very flexible, which is helpful for my school hours.
Okay =) Wasn't being a dick about it, as any job is better than no job. Was just genuinely curious. Good luck with school!!
If all it took was knowing how to build a computer to work in IT, I wouldn't be working minimum wage. It's tough to get anywhere without some paid experience, and living in the Seattle area there is no shortage of people with experience.
Yeah, any guy between 13-28 has a lot of experience with computers nowadays and the interest in computers isn't exactly going down. It's like trying to be a hairdresser or make up artist as a girl.
Are you saying it's impossible for a girl to become a hairdresser or makeup artist? So you take a 4 week class and get certified, and work at macys for a year or two and hone your skills. Big whoop. I currently work in the entertainment industry and the makeup artists are getting $450 day rates. Are you guys really that lazy to invest in yourselves? Nope, wall is too steep. I give up. Easier to sit here and whine.
So if I can build computers should I just apply to IT jobs? (In college and have yet to have a job)
That's overly simplified, but if you can build a computer and configure the software properly, you have a good foundation to learn everything else on. You might start somewhere crappy like phone support (i did), but it will eventually come. Truthfully, the difference between the average joe and an IT tech support guy is the latter knows how to search google for answers.
Usually you'll be required to do things not on or even beyond the job description. In other words, you'll probably have to work with software as well.
My daughter will know how to build a computer by the time she is ten. It's not difficult, I did my first at 16... That was in 1997, when the internet was a bit less helpful.
Yeah, I feel a bit odd about this. It's a sweet rig, don't get me wrong, but anyone working and not paying rent/expenses can do this, it's not even part of the equation!
"I work at McDonalds"
The point is that maccas is renowned for having terrible wages, and all the console fanboys complain that pc's are too expensive. he is trying to say that you dont have to be a millionaire to have a good gaming pc
Hey, dont hate on the 'Cord
No hate, my 1999 V6 Accord coupe with 200k miles is still going strong
So what? I am pretty sure OP lives with his parents, and has not other expenses than himself
He's Australian. In Australia and New Zealand a McDonalds job is more than enough for the high interest lenders to loan you anything up 15k or there abouts. Likely how OP got his PC.
Oh gosh! He spent his money on something he enjoys instead of saving for retirement! The world is ending! The agony!
Oh shut the fuck up. Kid's happy he got his PC.
I don't have any other expenses at the moment, and I figure this will last me for 3-4 years. FYI, I could pay for it multiple times over.
Congrats, again awesome rig, I'm just confused by what you were implying with your title
If you don't have any expenses, then your monthly discretionary income would be about the same as someone who's working a "normal" 35-45k/year job and expenses. Makes your point kinda moot.
Yep, i've worked mcdonalds with no other bills. With a little saving up I could have purchased the same thing.
Honestly it should last you 5-6 years, my current machine that I built 3 years ago was far less expensive then yours and I've only needed to upgrade it once due to my gpu failing, it runs anything I throw at it flawlessly.
Do you like that monitor mount? Also, are you finding that the center monitor sticks out in front of the others in landscape mode?
Sticks out too far and the side monitors are like 1/2 inch lower than the center
Just curious, where did you get the headphones half off?
Motherfuck, you're australian. Shit doesn't help me.
Really love how clean this looks!! You did a great job with the build and taking the pictures!
Great build you got there. I have the same mouse, it's failing on me after 11 months. Currently awaiting the new G500S Logitech is sending me for free under warranty though, so all good. xD
How the fuck do I get that speed.. I live 5kms from Perth city :( Nice rig, congrats!
My nexus 5 is in the mail right now!
Work at mcdonalds, live with parents?
Upvote for the "Don't Hate" pic
Which McDonalds? I'll come get a burger from you
Yeah I lvve in Perth aswell, which mcdonalds?
Isn't the case the 650D?
Yeah, I upgraded shortly after the initial build.
Oh. I saw the box for the 300R so I was surprised to see the 650D.
Where do you get single sleeved cables?
Thanks ima get me some o dat
If you dont mind could you tell me which rails you purchased by chance? I only need pcie 8 and 6+2 rails
8pin CPU
24pin Power
4 x 6pin GPU Power
Hi man , where did youi get all?? im looking here in australia to build something, so if you can giveme some advice where get the best prices would be great
A few retaliers; PCCG, PLE, MSY, Austin Computers, MWave.
Just wondering, was your back panel bulging out with all the cords in the back, or did you find a way to push them down enough so it's fine. I have a case with the same problem and was wondering if you found a way around it.
But you live in Perth so it all evens out.
What's the black stick thing behind the camera?
I'm just curious, but what prompted you to buy that instead of a small microphone that would clip onto the chord of your headphones or shirt?
I got it for free and its really good.
Ah brilliant. Well I can't argue with a freebie.
I used to talk to my mate on Skype with it for hours on end, could even hear him when he was on the other side of his room, the audio sounded great.
That mouse did well for me for a long time but it broke a few weeks ago. What happened was the rubber started to bulge out from the braided fabric and eventually it just cut off signal.
Best mouse ever. I like the triple monitor setup too!
This is one of the reasons I love computers. Massive entertainment value for reasonably little capital :)
As a regional manager ha
What's your stand? I finally got my third matching 24" and now looking for a nice stand. Sick station bro.
670s? What are you, a fast food worker?
How are the BenQs? Do you recommend those over 1440p monitors? All the nice 1440ps ones I find, or Bezel-less only run at 60Hz and I'm trying to replace my monitors for my tri-screen setup.
Such a personal choice, depending on how you value the price of 1440p over 1080p, I still feel that 1440p is far to expensive
Well, if price isn't an issue, what would you recommend? 120HZ at 1080 or 60 at 1440? Mind you, AA and such aren't issues as my PC can handle them.
I was looking at the same one, but I found it cheaper. I was also looking at an Asus IPS displace that was practically bezel-less for my setup.
The one you linked is better
I think I would go with 1440p
Aah, dat internet speed D:
Nice internet, gotta love Australia's upload speed though. Do those monitors rotate landscape/portrait on their mounts, or what? Hows it work?
How's that corporate embezzling working out for you?
Where did you get the cable sleeve extensions?
I've also got the G330's
I don't use them any more.
So basically, OP lives at home and can spend his wages on whatever he wants. I see what you're trying to do with the title but your situation is completely different to the people who rely on their wages for food, rent, bills etc. It's kind of disrespectful in a way.
But if you take into account the lifespan of the computer ~4 years, it works out to be ~$15 a week, which is quite affordable.
One question though... ram is the cheapest and you only bought 2 slots :D what is with DVD-RW? who uses that nowadays :D
Are those the UE6000s? How are they? Just picked up a pair online yesterday for 69$
You work at MacDonald's but you live with your parents. So wtf.
Good shit bro. enjoy the burgers of your labor.
Wow! That's impressive for only 2 months, just curious how old are you if you don't mind me asking, i'm 15 and the best I can do is a paper round (£20 a week saving up since march spending only £20 a month and getting a pc in february)but I need a new job next year when I'm 16 due to A levels. I was before thinking of a small local pc repair and build shop or even making my own business but how much do you earn roughly if you don't mind sharing
I fucking hate you out of jealousy.
You're australian.. your minimum wage is like 17$ so shut the fuck up.
Ya but that's Google Fiber. Basically cheating. :(
+1 to the casual (AND i live in KC w00t)
I cant get any faster internet, but dat ping Yo
McDonald's Manager here! Killing it brother
Close to Perth I see
Are you like Chief Executive of McDonalds?

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