Two Monitors - Computer Setup


Those pics of Yvonne are real nice, I'm super jelly. Nice setup.
What's that under the monitor ?
The USB hub? Its great since my computer is a bit far away so I just keep that velcroed to the stand. Super easy access to 4 usb 3.0 ports.
Yvonne is so pretty. And your case is pretty nifty too.
I dig it! If I had enough space for a 2nd 17" I probably would have just gone with a 2nd 27".
What's with the lonely shoe?
Nice. I found the thread. It's pretty cool! hehe
Its rumored that you can tell what type of mechanical key switch a person will prefer based on their shoe preference... but yes kind of like the banana thing :P
I'd love to see the full specs of your HTPC!
That card looks good in there!
You go to columbia???
As others have said... Yvonne Strahovski is perfect. Love the HTPC case, I'm jealous of it! I don't have a mini-itx motherboard so I'd need to spend a little to much change which is a shame. Keep it up!
Yeah I debated between all the cases in that series and decided with the v3 since its the smallest. They all look GREAT though in my opinion.
I have the exact same two monitors on my desk too ^
Nice, I really like the combo. Would have liked to do 2xQnix's but just not enough space...
That's funny, watching Chuck right now. Nice set up.
That was me for 95% of my freshman year. Rewatched all 5 seasons with my teammates.
Also in my freshman year of college. I believe you mean 4 seasons, though.
Nope I mean 5 :P Netflix only has the first 4 though.
Although many think the show should have stopped at 4 :/
It did stop at 4. (I'm pretending 5 never happened because it didn't).
Ah okay fair enough :D I thought the final episode was beautiful when detached from the rest of the season but yeah. Ugh, I read so much fan fiction to get that bitter taste out of my mouth.
I've got that second monitor in 19". It's also a 1600x1200 so yeah. But still. Same style and whatnot.
Super jealous you got to meet Yvonne! Also nice set up. I am in the process of getting my set up started.

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