Work Station - Computer Setup


I like the pirate bay sticker mate
I see you also have a Corsair Space Heater. Nice. Keeps my room at a toasty 74 degrees.
Yeah she really helps during the winter
The question is ... are you "the beer pong champion"
Got a pretty good record. Had to run the naked mile last week though
Running makes everything harder *sigh. I'm assuming you're still in school? Otherwise a naked mile would be a little off....
Yeah, first year of college. Getting some new experiences in that's for sure.
You live off campus? No way thats a dorm room.
Yeah off campus, got a sweet deal going on in a townhouse
Something to think about for next year...
Did you buy your Astro's first or the razer headset?
Just recently got the Astros but moving the amp all the time to use it on both was to much of a hassle so I just use my old razer headset for pc

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