Your Monitors - Computer Setup


Where did you get the WoW art. I like it a lot. I would guess etsy but I might as well ask.
What about the other poster/photo/painting that we sort of see? Looks interesting.
That's a Pink Floyd poster :D
Well that tells you how much I know about Pink Floyd.
Custom made by a guy in my city.
Damn. I really want something like that.
Also major props to the x-files dvd sets :D Just watched all 9 seasons on netflix and both movies :D
Wow, are you me in disguise? Haha.
Ah, I have the same one, except, oddly enough, my Spacebar just has the K, not the Keycool word logo.
Where's the Pink Floyd ladies art?
On the right side of your bookshelf, those books with similar bindings, is that a series and if so what is it? It looks nice with the shelf.
It's a collection of classic books, brazillian and foreign ones.
What model monitor? If it's the ultra sharp 27" is it worth the money?
No, it's Dell P2310H. Sorry
Love the framed 'back catalogue'.
That desk, what is it?
It's custom made, but as someone said, Ikea Galant seems to be similar.
Love the setup, but I'm more impressed with your good taste in WoW interfaces. ElvUI looks nice and clean on there.
Now that's a nice chess board.
Man I love those WoW prints. Mind if I ask where you got those? Would love to own a few myself! Great setup!
It's my wife's Kobo Glo, very nice little e-reader.
Hi what do you use it for mainly?
She carries it every place she goes, has a lot of books loaded.
Hey you're a grĂªmio fan! Cool workstation, may I ask what kind of work you do? Thanks.
No offense but you're kind of ruining the point of the giant mouse pad xD.
Weird question....What are those boxes under your monitors / where did you get them. I need some temp risers for mine until I have time to build a shelf
I bought from a lady who does craftwork, they are made of a very thin wood and painted black. Works really well for what it proposes :D
You enjoy Floyd and wow, wanna hang out? :)
Where did you get those shelves?
They were custo made by the same guy who made the desk.

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