Computer Setup


The three main machines in the Digital Blasphemy stable. From L-R:
Epic... I need to have that desk. Where did you get it?
Agreed, would like to know this as well.
The desk is one-of-a-kind. It was custom made by one Mr. Richard Randall of Central Illinois Woodworks. I can't find a website for them but you can call (309) 473-2883 for more info. Tell them Ryan Bliss sent you and maybe he will cut you a deal.
Such a fantastic setup, and so much desk space for empty beer cans!
I cleared away some of the clutter to take the pic. It usually gets filled up with USB cables, glasses, pretzels, legos, etc. I've never really been able to work under the influence of alcohol so no danger of beer cans piling up.
Fair enough, my station is mostly for entertainment, i use it as my post-dayjob tv, so that is where my comment came from.
I wish my room was big enough to put a huge half hex desk in the middle like this :( I had to make my own desk. This is cool though!
I work at home so I need a little extra space to stretch my legs.
Wow envy x 2. Works at home, and has a gorgous half pipe of a desk. You are lucky I just finished building a desk of my own, or I would have the ambition to come steal yours.
Quite literally, the place where dreams are made! Love your work Ryan!
Thank you! I've tried to make it as conducive to creativity as possible.
What speakers do you have?
They are M-Audio Studiophile 5.1s
Wow I just lurked you and realised you have a blasphemous amount of insane artwork. I was wondering if you had any designs for 5760x1080 resolutions. I could probably find this information on my own, but you will have to deal with my laziness for now .^ Thanks boss.
Hey, I like your backgro-- WOAH

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