Computer Setup


It must be hotter than hell at that office at work.
Perfect for those freezing mornings in winter. And not very suitable in summer.
I personally thing this could use more monitor. Like come on, lately we've been seeing up to 7 monitor rigs!
Are those headphone audio technica by any chance?
I'm wondering too, they look fantastic
They look like ATH-M50s but with aftermarket pads or cotton ball modded.
Where would one acquire these aftermarket pads?
They're these pads.
They're Shure SRH-940 pads, I believe.
I think they're stock ATH-M50s, I have those and look exactly the same. But yeah, those are the ones.
Yep, Audio Technica ATH-M50s with Shure SRH-940 earpads.
They're the ath-m50s. I have the same pair.
Curious about your dayjob, care to elaborate as to what you do?
For the most part I just repair computers, but for this job I was downgrading the computers from windows 7 to Xp and joining them to the domain. I could not do a clone across the several hundred computers because each one had different software that needed to be configured to connect to a certain server or another.
Ever think about running a WDS server? Works wonders when you have to reinstall to a bunch of computers.
I had not thought about that, but thank you for the reminder, I will be sure to use it next time a job this large comes up.
Downgrade to XP? Are you aware that XP is end-of-life next year? As in, no more updates from MS.
Really curious as to why you're downgrading? Going to windows 7 at work was one of the best things we did. Is there a legacy issue?
The software the client had to use is only compatible with XP.
Thought as much. Cheers.
Really nice! Whats the name of the case on the main rig?
I have an FT02, I love it. Good to see more people using them.
I'd like to know what the server case is as well.
Is the work setup a (beowulf?) cluster?
Just many individual computers that needed to be configured before being deployed.
The main rig looks awesome, I need to invest in a corner desk soon. what sort of things are you doing with the home server?
Mumble Server, File Server, and HTPC
What software are u running fir your file server and what OS do you use?
Which is a mumble server.
Really digging your home setup, Where did you get the desk? or is it a custom setup?
I found it at Office Depot a few years back. I was surprised they had it, it was really nice compared to the rest of their stock.
Man, what are you working with?
How much does an average home server cost? I'm thinking about getting one, but I don't know much about computers.
I built mine for 400$
Well, I already have a keyboard and a mouse, so I could just 1 hdd instead of 2 and buy a monitor with that money.
You don't even really need a keyboard, mouse, or screen. If it's a home server, just have a bare box on your network and then RDP in to it if you need to work on it. Then you can do it remotely.
They're useful for install though. you can also use ssh if you're running linux.
That could also work, but I think that having the peripherals and a monitor would fit me better.
Woah. How did you get all of that for $400?
The case alone is around $80 and Barracuda 2TB HDDs are $100 each.
I got the barracudas for 75$ from NCIX and I went to micro center for the CPU and mobo and got 50$ off. CPU was 110 and Mobo was 35 ( After 50$ discount). Power Supply was on sale and RAM was dirt cheap at this time.
If you're only looking for a small one like OP posted, check out the HP Microserver. Space for up to 4 disks.
First picture: A nice setup, I'm pretty jealous. Second picture: A little more realistic; nice case. Third picture: HOLY FUCKING SHIT. Was not expecting that. Nice server though.
What cpu cooler is that?
Noctua NH-D14 Socket 2011 Verison
No way. That thing isnt brown and ugly haha
I'd be lying if I said that the third picture didn't give me wood.
I have a question and I've searched around a bit. I want to set up 3 monitors, but when I do the only option I have is Eyeinfinity. I do not want to extend my desktop into one desktop over 3 monitors. I want 3 different desktops, like you have here. Can you toss me a link on this?
How's your x-trac pad? I think that's what it's called.
How noisy is the work station?
Upvote for the XTrac mousepad. Best mousepads out there, bar none.
I had many Computers to swap in after that. I'm not going to spend an hour getting it pretty to only have the computers plugged in for 90 minutes.

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