Computer Setup


Emm... Minimum wage as a programmer?!?!?!
Thought about being an IT intern. Got a friend working as an intern making $20 per hour. He has his A+ cert so it helps.
Geeze, where? I don't make that much and I'm managing people who know A+
Being an intern was the prime of my life. Fuck around all day and at the end of the day if you mess up, your boss will just say, "It was an intern." And if you do something awesome, "An intern did that? Hire him/her."
Nice setup, and uhhhh, you need to learn to live below your means.
Sadly. But the payoffs are great if you can stomach delayed gratification.
Google Keep, fuck yeah. And nice gaming setup I suppose. :D
I love Keep. It has been a really useful tool at work and at school. Adding reminders to it in the latest update was just icing on the cake.
Love it man, I am in the same boat trying to get a decent setup on crappy wages. Have 3 expensive hobbies: Cars, Cameras and Computers >.<
How are you liking Surface? What do you use it for?
It's a great device but the limited apps available is a bit of a let down. I mainly use it to remote desktop into VMs running on the Prodigy server.
Oh so you have the RT version? I've heard some not-so-good things about it.
What is an app on your tablet?
I love this, I'm working up to my third monitor at the moment. What's with the monitor in the corner? TV? Run through your station?
Yeah, just a TV connected to the Prodigy in the shelves.
Is that a surface pro or rt?
RT, but I mainly use it to remote desktop into VMs running on the Prodigy server.
How's the mouse? I've been thinking about getting the same one.
Awesome! Can be set ridiculously sensitive if desired.
Thanks for the answer, next plan for me is to save up now then!
What rug is that, and is it as comfy as it looks?
It's one of those 'shaggy' rugs and yes, yes it is!
Dude, mad respect. That's an awesome set up.
OP, you should get a Wii Remote for your bed monitor there. It would work great for browsing Netflix on Metro or w/e.
How much debt do you have from all this if any
I have new found respect for you! awesome computer setup :)
Must not be minimum wage in the US.
Shame about the HP DV6, get alot of those in work when they inevitably burst into flames. Keep it cool or it will fail.
Yeah, it's a great laptop but the cooling really lets it down.
Always been HP's biggest flaw, nice looking machine fairly priced just horribly under cooled. Nice gaming setup anyway :).
Who needs food when you have a sweet gaming setup, amiright???
Good pictures, ok station, disslike the keyboard and a clear bookmark :)
What don't you like about the keyboard?
Its like vanilla, I dont hate but I think its boring, standard and a good entry piece when it comes to mechanical keyboards but its far to common and it dose not look good.
Oh okay. I was looking to get a CM quickfire storm TK for my first mechanical keyboard.
Buy one. I love mine! But I'm still waiting for my Poker 2 in the mail...
Yeah its just a low end version of Filco and Ducky :)
That's not such a bad thing.
Enough for me to not like it

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