Computer Setup


Ya, I agree. I'm sorry, but I don't really like this gaming setup.
And hot! The metal will transfer heat until it's uniformly uncomfortable. And god forbid you squeeze out a growler with all the intake fans right at crotch level...
Uniformly uniform? I refuse to conform to your conformity!
Haha, I was blind to it somehow. Fixed.
Wind tunnel all the fans are pulling the air in, what you have here is quite literally a metal balloon....
Yeah I'm not sure why you would even need so many fans... You have this nice, airtight-seeming box where you could just use one or two intake and exhaust to move air through the whole thing and then you fill it up with holes :/
And aren't the gaping holes in the desk a little counter intuitive?
Solution for fans: noise pads or speedfan.(speedfan manually controls your fans)
Who the cares about peoples comment history. Seem like you have a really dumb idea for a computer setup and you're getting called out.
What did he say about my comment history?
He said you sounded like a dick in other comments, I didn't get how it pertained to this.
Wow...what an asshole. How is this a dumb idea when the topic is 100% subjective? Desk height, casing build and configuration are all subjective in their setup and is the entire point of this coolcomputersetups (not the quality of said builds). If all the desk where the same, it would be a different sub entirely.
You post something, you get feedback. It's not always positive, the build isn't practical to most of us so we shared our thoughts. Welcome to the internet friend.
Ripping the guy a new asshole because he built what may be his first foray into custom construction and criticizing his build are two different things. His build has been called dumb, pointless and lazy regardless of the amount of effort he actually put into it. That is not criticisim that is needless bashing.
Are you mentally inept or something? It isn't practical to most the people who have seen it, so we let him know. I didn't rip him a new asshole, he got up some guys ass about saying he didn't understand the height. Stop tying to white knight it matters not to me how he sits, if it's his first build, or any of that shit. I think it's a dumb idea, and he was a prick back that's why his comments are deleted. This is coolcomputersetups not a class on building a desk.
Your just an asshole. Plain and simple. Your input on this thread has been useless aside from chastizing someones (quality irrelevant) build. Not a shred of criticisim in your posts.
Glad you can read.
This would make my junk sweat all the time lol.
U-bolt is way over kill for cable management. lulz, its cool though.
Looks like op just nonchalantly threw the guts of a PC into a refrigerator.
Then mounted it under his desk. It's almost like he didn't think through ANY of his design before building it...
Not even a PC. If I read that right... it's an Xbox.
It's both. Did you even look at the pictures?
I also saw a mIX board in there, feeling a bit lost.
So...does that not make it a gaming setup any longer?
North Korean gaming setup.
Oh, I didnt know it was exclusively PCs here. My next gen all in one build will not be welcome here then.
I wish, that would mean I have finished my build, however that is not the case. Waiting on the consoles atm.
So how is the Mobo mounted to the inside of the desk?
I shuddered just reading that.
Yeah, I was also confused about that.
I put standoff screws through the bottom which allowed the motherboard to be offset from the metal
Dude in the sixth last picture you can see a reflection through the hole where the standoffs AMD screws should be, and a power cable running under the mobo. You're going to break your PC if you don't sort that out.
OP, is this you?
Haha i used to love this show, what was is called again?
So you gutted an Xbox and put it in there
The whole thing just seems really dodgy and hastily put together. It doesnt even really look like much thought was put into the way the air should be cooling components inside the desk so he just chucked in a load of led fans. The complete lack of consistency really kills whats a neat principle.
He could have at least made it into a mineral oil pc but I don't know if that would work with the stuff inside xbox
1) Where on earth do your legs go? 2) where on earth do the arms of your chair go?
I know a handful of people that do not like to slide under a desk nor have their armrests under it.
In pic 17 there is definitely a computer INSIDE of the desk, as well as the Xbox.
All that just for an xbox?!
Look at picture 17 and then you might realize there is more than an xbox there.
I'm sure you love this but I don't. It just looks like a filing cabinet shell with computer hardware put in it and legs attached.
How noisy is this setup?
So as loud as an Xbox?
Is there any reasonable way to plug in a USB or something?
Just make a few more holes into the once perfectly adequate desk.
This is probably the first time I've seen a computer setup get completely called out in the comments, but man does it deserve it.
Why would you put fans on the desk facing you? Aren't you blowing hot air into your lap?
They can be faced one way or another. Not all fans need to be pushing air out.
Well yeah... those two directly infront of him though aren't drawing in any decent air if they are intakes.
Yes. Because of the fans and narrow space, there will not be a significant temperature gradient.
Should have made intake fans blue and output fans red. Also, no leg room O.o . Still, seems nice.
It looks like you have every fan facing outwards. You can't just blow all the air out of a container, did you not build an intake for cool air to enter the system?
And to think, he likely built that computer (somehow).
Man, you are so cool because you are superior to him (in your mind) at building computers (which is very simple in the first place). How do you sleep at night with a head and balls that big.
Either you're an alternate account (which having been registered for 2 years makes it unlikely) or you have something meaningful you're defending. You're everywhere in this thread advocating for this guy.
I guess according to the definition of criticize/criticized, I was wrong. I appologize. I was thinking more of 'criticism/critique' which is defined as "Information/instruction from an outside party in relation to the discussed topic" or "A detailed analysis and assessment of something."
I don't know man, I just do. I think I can pull it off just knowing the only person who objected to what I said was barely capable of stringing together words to form a sentence.
This is one of the worst gaming setups I've ever seen. Like, holy shit.
Ok, lets be fair here, its not the best idea ever to install a shitload of fans to a metal tub and put a tiny MB & XBox guts in it...but there have been much worse gaming setups here.
Well I'm not digging the holes on the desk either. And yes, I'm pretty sure everything except the fans are sitting loose inside that bathtub. I find it amusing how he posted a picture of the hook for "cable management" only to end up with this.
Or the most elaborate Troll I've ever seen.
PCB's directly on metal????! Short-circuits are imminent!
I'm sure there are risers of some kind, just like in all metal cases.
There are. He respoded with the risers he used.
Pretty sure OP gonna get bored/sick of his desk. Looks like a lot of work to build but not a lot of thoughts were put in to it
That must be loud because I had 2 of those red rosewill fans for a while and they were like chainsaws.
Please tell me you used standoffs
Having holes along the top is an accident waiting to happen.
There's a plexiglass (I assume) layer over it.
I never noticed that before cheers.
So what happens if you were to spill a beer on your desk?
The fans them blow the warmed beer all over your lap.
The same thing that happens when you spill a beer on your desk. The holes are covered with plexi glass, so it's not like any is getting inside the.. tub thing..
Or if the entire bottle falls in those gaping holes.
This is atrocious. Why the hell so many bookmarks?
So that we can educate the world on poor table/pc design
Every comment is calling it out for being shut, but it's on my front page :S
For everyone going on about short circuits as the board is touching the metal: If you look at the picture with the "everything installed" description, you can see that the mobo is casting a shadow; suggesting that it is raised up on some sort of standoffs. you have to completely unscrew this to plug in any peripherals?
I honestly think that this is a very neat idea. Sure it could have been made a little bit better but it's something you don't see everyday, it's unique. I personally think that it is very cool and if OP likes it let him/her be.
Please keep us updated on how much dust it collects and if the noise and heat ramps up over time, looks like an awesome solution though.
I had 2 of those rosewill fans on my heatsink and they both locked up. It may have been because they got too hot or got locked up with dust and stuff, but keep and eye on them. Cool build!
Rosewill fans? Must be really loud
Got enough fans there Mcgyver? just kidding...this is cool
Actually, some of us have built our own desks, so by your comment, we do have room to criticize OP.
I am wondering what kind of temps you see with this. The fans on the sides would essentially counter the cooling if you have the fronts as intake and the rears as exhausts or visa versa. With air flow you want either positive or negative pressure in the case. The side fans may create essentially a 0 pressure environment if they are both set as exhausts.
Looks alright but im not sure why you cut those viwing holes
I think this build would appear more functional had you made the computer case a little more narrow (not so close to you) and given a little more thought for Fans / better mounted your PSU and motherboard for me those were the two things I simply could not wrap my head around. It looks like it would be a real pain to access any ports on either your PC or your Xbox. On the upside I am curious as to how you got your metal tub made, that looks really well done. Do you have any pictures of that process?
Viewing holes?!? I believe they are called port holes!
Seems like you could have made it half the size and kept rooms for your legs.
I think it's cool, esp that 360 in there woulda probably avoided fans in the front though
Can you tell us about the airflow... I assume half the fans are pulling in and half are blowing out... which ones are which?
How loud are all the fans?
Ey! I got the same keyboard! Upkneed.
So what happens when you spill something?
Leg room aside, Can we get some more pictures of the pc inside the desk in the state it runs in?
"Ubolts for cable management"
Not sure about this unfortunately. I love desk PCs but im not sure about the holes and the depth. Great job building it though!
I would spray paint the metal brown. so it blends in with the wood desk. Just a suggestion. and it looks awesome.
Good work, I hope it works out well for you.
That's really smart OP, I hate having to think of a place to put the pc in my gaming setup area. Where did you put the power and reset switches?
The viewing holes? Seem like holes for things to fall in. Also not sure which of your fans are intake and which are exhaust but they seem pretty inefficient since they're so far away from components.
There's plexi glass over the table.
I like it but please take some of the comments here as constructive and not us being dicks.
Guess what happens when you spill something on the table...That's right.
This is actually a pretty sick gaming setup if you're lieutenant dan.
Holy cow, this is a really good idea and a cool desk. Why the hate
Because it might fit his liking and seating preference?
No, it's not that, these desk builds are posted now frequently and the surprise of them is no longer there. I'm going to be honest here, it looks too quickly put together.
I havent found the rule on this coolcomputersetups, where you post your gaming setup, where it say that the build must be well designed (according to a majority coolcomputersetups opinion) and have adquate leg room according to specifications deemed worthy by the masses of coolcomputersetups. Can you point me to the requirement that says custom builds should not appear to be quickly put together (whether or not it actually was)?
You know what's glorious about coolcomputersetups? You are entitled to your own opinions? Tell me where in the rules it says that gaming setups can't be not liked by people? If people don't like a gaming setup then they can go ahead and say it. I honestly don't get why you are standing up for him? People have their opinions, sometimes negative, sometimes positive.
Your argument was reasonable until the last line. That sort of ruined it.
Opinions are opinion but it doesnt seem right to be rude to someone just because you can. A lot of these comments dont add anything and ruin the idea of the sub. If I see a less than quality build on this sub I love going to the comments to see quality critisim in regard to the build (to learn from) not 60% of the thread bashing the OP. This thread made me want to unsub from a sub I really like most of the time.
What the hell are you talking about? We are not being rude at all? Some people simply don't like the build, there is no rule that people can't like it. You saying that people having a negative opinion is the same as saying that people with positive opinion don't add anything. Not every gaming setup is pretty, and not every gaming setup is going to receive praise from every person, guess what though....Those people are just in as much right to hold their opinion.

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