Computer Setup


Thanks, yeah they look epic.
I am probably going to replace my monitor with one when they are adopted more.
You still need a monitor. At least one with the resolution of the rift. Otherwise you are going to have a bad time.
I have an rMBP for work related things. My monitor is pretty much only for gaming.
Do you mind letting me know what desk that is? It looks pretty sleek, and well, I need a new desk....
I'm also curious, this desk looks beautiful.
It's from the 'MICKE' line at ikea. One of the larger ones, at 142cm.
I'm 16 and don't multi monitor titan sli madness, but I'm pretty content with my setup!
Looks clean. But $110 :o
What kind were you thinking?
Hmm, i guess 110 ain't bad but shipping will be the killer i think for me. I'm thinking a Quickfire TK with blues.
Try Qtan's store, Geek_Feng on eBay, Techkeys etc. Depending on your location it could be cheaper in some places.
Agreed. Its worth saving your money and getting a quality keyboard. Mechanical all the way, without a doubt.
Fellow RC'er! I do offroad though, onroad bored me too much...
Onroad is good, but is very competitive. I've never tried offroad :( The only thing that puts me off is the cleaning of the cars...
Yeah, it kinda sucks... I have a dirty short course truck sittin' next to me waiting to be cleaned ;(
I used to have Xmods and thought they were awesome, probably what sparked my interest in 1/10 TC.
You have some nice looking speakers, Do you know off hand what they are?
Yep, that's them. I didn't pay all that much for them, though. I have a set of Sony SS-CSD1's and a Denon PMA 250 II, but they can be a bit too loud to listen to things at night. (they sit far away)
Verry nice. as a fellow highschooler im super jelous. im almost there, all parts together, now i wait the OS in the mail, and my single monitor is waiting to be used. i love that lamp, and youve inspired me to search for a similar one.
Thanks, the lamps awesome, from ikea and only £8.50. It can be clamped on to a surface or screwed onto one, too.
I have those same speakers, got them for 16$ CAD. So how much do you love them?
I got them for £3. like $5 or something, safe to say, I love them for that price.
What's creating the purple color within the case?
I'm gonna take a guess and say UV cathodes. The UV light tends to show up as purple in photos. Although now that I'm looking closer, that's a lot of purple for UV cathodes, especially for the amount of ambient light in the room.
It's coming from the blue led strips i made for the front. It shows up purple in photos but its very blue in person. I'll try get some better pics.
Mind if I ask what monitor that is? I've used them at the U of M, and searched all over online but could never find them. At the U, they have ultra high res and screen size versions of yours. Thanks!
This particular one is a Dell E2210H. It's a 22" 16:9 1080P
Love it! Just wanted to know what kind of desk that is
Ikea 'MICKE', the 142cm version.
142 cm ≈ 1.50097 x 10-16 light years
Nice and clean. Great taste for a youngin!
Best deal on an articulating lamp
Nice setup. I like your lamp a lot. Where'd you get it from?
Ikea, its called 'Tertial' and its super cheap.
Protip: move the lamp to the other side of the desk. That way if/when you're writing on it, the shadow of your hand goes the other way.
That's a great point! Unfortunately, There is no other point on the desk to clamp it to apart from that cable management hole. I'd have to drill into the wall.
Thank god someone who doesn't have a factual design case R4 for once. And gunmetalblack very nice.
How is it so clean? My desk is cluttered with schoolwork.
Oh, believe me, I too get school work, its just all in the drawers...
See, when I clean my desk it looks so nice and simplistic like yours. But approximately 3.24 seconds after it's clean there are finger prints, dusk, and random shit cluttered all over. I just.. I don't understand..
Fingerprints and crumbs are the bane of my life. Must. Stop. Polishing.
This is the first time I've really liked how an NZXT Phantom looks. :) Awesome setup you've got there! I'm a huge fan of simple, elegant setups.
Thanks, the 410 is an awesome case, lots of room, great cable management etc. worth every penny!
Didn't realise how bad the photos were...

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