Computer Setup


Yea lets see some specs!
Sorry all. My specs aren't anything special.
Is the 7770 good? thinking about picking one up myself
If you've played 360 or ps3 that's about what you can expect.
So it will not be able to play BF3 at 60 FPS?
Not well unless you run low settings. You could probably run high if you 720p 30 fps capped. Maybe even ultra. Consoles run BF3 on med-low settings with 30 fps so expect something similar, maybe slightly better.
BF3 runs OK on a 7750 at med/low 1680x1050... I'm an FPS-junkie, so it's not likely to be dipping below 60 FPS.
I will always choose framerate over graphics and resolution, so the 7750 or 7770 should work fine. Thanks for helping!
Should posting specs be a new coolcomputersetups rule? It honestly feels like this is posted in every other post for this coolcomputersetups.
I have the same monitors, only 3 of them. Love em to death, I do.
Hows that phantom case? My case is falling apart lol, might need a new one.
This is your computer setup, there are many like it, but this one is yours :)
So what's your honest opinion on that case? I love the looks but wanted to get an owners opinion before purchase.
Ok, Seriously XD. Let me list this.

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