Computer Setup


Can you provide the wallpaper in the left monitor.
I definitely will be checking him out. Thank you!
Was about to request the same thing. It's awesome.
I have a white MacBook too, and I'm about to build my first gaming setup. Do you feel like you need a dock, or is this a pretty good set-up for you?
At the moment it's completely fine for where it is but i'm thinking about buying a stand for it so its not taking up as much surface area and I have more access to the keyboard.
Dem Z553's. Do you also find the volume wheel the most satisfying thing to spin around when you're doing nothing?
Oh wow, Frankenstein's Cat, loved that book!
Do you know where to get a table like that one?
I bought this one from officeworks for $200 aud.
Cman' its not always that clean.

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