Computer Setup


Standing desk. The twin 27" monitors are driven by a Mid-2012 i7 15" Retina MBP. (2.6GHz, 8GB). I do information security research (malware analysis, incident response research and forensics), so the netbook and the Windows VM are used for direct, unfiltered access to the Internet. The netbook is a Toshiba NB305 running OpenBSD 5.4.
Ever tried a mechanical keyboard?
$2000 just for monitors, sick.
Thats what happens when you buy a brand
I don't buy any Apple hardware myself, but the IT guy that supports all this stuff asked "Windows Desktop or Apple Laptop?" when I started. To me, there was no contest.
Hey as long as its not your money, its what ever. Still not the wisest spending of money even for a company.
Have a better option for dual external displays on a MacBook?
Prolly not for your specific situation. My issue only lies within the existence of much cheaper, yet not as sexy, 1440 options.

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