Computer Setup


Phantom 410 master race reporting in
Just got the case today, waiting for the guts of it, expect my computer setup in the near future.
Phantom full tower, more masterful race reporting in
Is that a nexus 5 i see? :P
Here you go friend.
Nice setup. can you explain more about your raspberry pi tweet machine, or if you have a link to something with more info
It is running Rasbian as a headless unit. It uses gphoto2 and a simple photo editor. Using python it turns on a blue LED as a timer (blinks) then takes the photo saves it to a network drive or the SD card the makes a smaller copy with a watermark which it tweets.
Specs are in the comments.
Why are your SD cards laying around?
What are those things you are using as monitor risers?
I got some small pails from Home Depot and painted them black. Cost was like $4 each.
That desk looks amazing, would you happen to have a link?
Still going to get that better gpu cooler?

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