Samsung Monitor - Computer Setup


I love that Lain poster on the wall..
Thank you, given the situation, I can easily say that i have a Mid-range navi :D
This is correct, I have a nvidia vid card, it uses surround and i was able to correct use the bezel compensantion there, due to the nature of different resolutions the experience was not pleasant any way, besides the fact that it´s just too much physical area for me to cover, I tend to focus in the center monitor.
I think you mean 1680x1050.
I have the same desk in black! I like it a lot, as far as wire management I just zip-tie everything to the legs/poles. Works out mostly well.
Yeah, I did the same, what i dont like is the back of the case, with all the cables and what not. Gonna see if i can build a "bottom case/cpu stand" to hide all cables
Yeah that's frustrating, I have mine in a corner like you obviously and everything just sits there so it looks awful. I was considering cutting all my zip ties and cutting a PVC pipe in half for the corner so it makes a half moon shape, and routing it all down the corner and into the back of the PC, at least then everything's in one place. You honestly could do the same with some kind of tape, but then you have the risk of paint damage.
Where did you get the desk?
Where did you get soooo many cables? :D
I try to avoid wireless things as much as possible... and well, everything here uses cables. Keyboard, mouse, 3 monitors, 1 tv, etc etc etc
Damnn. I used to have a 19" version of that Samsung monitor wayyy back in the day. 1440x900 I remember I was ballin with that LCD long before my buddies upgraded from CRT. Thing was like $400 from Best Buy on black friday too .. wow. Nice setup though!
Most likely it is fromt he same time... been serving me since 2006 i think, cant complaint for 400 dollars well spent
Nice - I have the same desk. I'm looking in to a similar TV for Wii U and cable, too. Would you recommend that one? I was kind of hoping for a smaller size to keep it under $250, but I dunno.
I would totally recommend it to you. I can't really explain it, but the quality of image that this LG tv has is outstanding, that´s exactly why I'm not considering upgrading it to a LED based tv, this tv was bought in 2011, amazing quality in picture.
Glass desk with a lot of cables, not a good combo.
Three mismatched monitors with huge bezels. I'd rather use a single 1440p...
I agree, the experience is awful, That was my initial attempt with no tuning whatsoever, after using the bezel correction in nvidia surround it went better, but i just didnt liked it due to the size of my bezels, just like you point out.

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