What Monitor - Computer Setup


Any plans on getting some stands or foam pads for those rocking Audioengines?
Just ordered them off Amazon and a pad for my subwoofer. Cheers!!!
I can link my wishlist if you feel like ordering more stuff.
Lets see it! It's the weekend so I can always cancel the purchase.
If I'm not mistaken - aren't you supposed to place your monitors in a triangle? Like aim them at you to get the full range?
NIce! I was thinking "don't you mean two monitors and a display?"
Two and a half monitors?
It's the new CBS show!
Starring Angus T Jones and 2 hall monitors.
Can I get a link to those sweet speaker stands?
I honestly can't believe how good the boxes look as speaker stands
That's some great cable management. It might be a little late now, but you should maybe mount it on the back like that if there is room!
There is room on the back but the reason I put it in the front is because of the surge protector. I wouldn't be able to switch it on/off without moving the table and if the cable was in the back then some of the cords wouldn't reach the strip.
Can you link to your wallpaper? :D
I remember the hype around that...and it definitely lived up to it. Those songs gave me chills. I can't wait for the next part, definitely looking forward to songs like deku palace and song of time!
Did you get the desk online or in a store? It looks nice and I need a new one.
Amazing, annoyingly loud, shakes the whole house, neighbors think I have parties every day.
Lol. How are the highs?
The highs are great as long as you have a good source. If you listen to true lossless then these speakers will bring you to bliss.
I do. What are you running them off of?
If you're talking soundcard, it's a Forte X-Fi.
I also have the A2's hooked up to my tv and a Phoebus sitting around I'm trying to sell. Nobody seems to want that card.
What monitor mount is that?
Can reccomend them certainly. but if you buy the dual or three prong stand, the monitors are just slightly off in height if you have them in any other way but straight at you. As soon as you tilt one, (I have a main monitor on the left, and a side monitor on the right on an angle) they become slightly off. It's very slight and an extremely minor complaint. I love the stand regardless, it's well built, easy to adjust. But the height difference under the above circumstances is a bit offputting to me.
What kind of wood is that on the desk
It's laminated. The desk was from Bush Furniture but I can't seem to find it atm. I wouldn't recommend it though unless you are on a budget.
I just like the way the wood looks.
Really? I liked how it looked online before I bought it. When I opened the box and seen the color I was so mad at myself for not getting the lighter version. But I have grown to love it.
The cardboard boxes, interesting enough, actually accentuate the speakers. Do you plan on getting stands, though?
If I could find some good looking stands that will hold those speakers, hell yea!! All I've seen is floor standing 5+ stands from a foreign site.
Just wrap the boxes in some cool looking vinyl and call it a day. Maybe carbon fiber wrap like di-noc, or a matte black color.
Have you ever considered moving the monitor a bit closer? Obviously it's just personal preference but the monitor (or at least all the books say) should be about an arms length.
It's about 2ft away from the front of the desk. I've read that anywhere between 1-2ft is ideal. And I have slightly longer arms so I guess for me it would be 1 arms length.
Fair enough :) Nice setup btw
Thanks!! I should have posted my room heater too.
Very clean cable management. I like!
I now have a cable management boner. Excellent work OP.
Why would this repel a chick?
How do you like that monitor? I'm looking to upgrade and it's either that, or dropping an extra $200 for a 2560x1440 monitor. I don't know if I really need that though.
So I clicked on this and swear I saw my exact same setup... Weird, but awesome choices...
I scanned through comments and didn't see it being asked, but with the cables, did you drill holes in the desk and use cable ties to hold them in place like that? I can 100% see if that's what you've done or not. I made my desk myself and it's hard and thick, so I'm looking at solutions to keep my cables tidy.
Not even close, This computer setup looks pretty professional actually.

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