Dual Monitors - Computer Setup


The triple channel one is no longer running in triple channel mode, I hope you know
Yup, that was my point. I'd be surprised if the dual-channel mode works too.
Nice das keyboard. I have the same one and love it.
I'm interested in getting on of the Das Keyboard Ultimates and have to ask does it ever throw you off with the keys lacking engravings?
When I first got one, I had to go through a LOT of trial and error.
I only have it for a day but I'm already noticing that I'm looking at my keyboard less and that I'm quickly memorizing the keyboard layout, so it's not really problematic. At first, it threw me off a bit though.
Thanks for the response. A reason why I am interested in the Ultimates is because of the blank keys. So when I want to attempt to learn Colemak then I feel it shall be easier without the key inscriptions throwing me off.
I second that. Das is great.
Thanks! I've only had it for a day now but I really like the feel of the switches and the sleek looks.
What kind of microphone stands do you use?
Yessss, finally someone with a Shinobi. How is it?
I like it, it's got just enough space to put in all your junk and has very good cable management. If I want to upgrade, I'll need to get a new one though, cause this one is quite full.
Nice, but how can a 500W PSU be enough for crossfire? I'm a little confused here..
A 7770 crossfire doesn't use that much power.
You'd be surprised how little power some gpu's, crossfired or not, pull.
GPUs don't use as much power as you think, and if you get a quality PSU where 500w actually means 500w, then it will be ok
In fact, we are confused ourselves as to how the tiny beast is pulling through, but it is, and it's working like a charm. It's very stable, even with an overclocked CPU and the 2 cards.
They only pull 80w each...
What mouse bungie are you using?
That's a sturdy desk to hold all that gear! Did you guys build it yourself?
Yes, we did indeed build it ourselves. I had some old but thick desktops laying in the barn so we cut one of 'em in half, bought some wood, and screwed it together. Now we have 2 very stable desks to place all our shit.
What laptop is that?
Its a custom-made laptop by BTO, the BTO P•BOOK 17CL45-GT650 QUAD (W170ER).
How does he like the greens? I'm thinking about getting a quickfire rapid
They sound just like blues, they're quite heavy, but I don't find them to be fatiguing to type on at all. I chose them because I used to press two keys at once a lot, the one I meant to press, and one with the side of my fingertip. With these it doesn't happen nearly as often, as the switches are quite heavy.
What keyboard is that? and if possible do you know what monitor mounts you used?(im looking into getting some so i can actually put stuff on my desk as my monitor crouds it
Fuck its a dutch company :l crazy expensive shipping then...man (and i STILL need to get my dual monitors to extend on ubuntu 12.04...they just mirror -.-
It's pretty much the only thing that gets offered here in the Netherlands, and most of Europe I believe. So I don't really know about any other brands... Sorry I can't help you there!
No problems here dude :L
Classy stuff. Are you a streamer?
We just do some let's plays with friends in our free time, and we use Google Hangout a lot.
What is google hangout ?
What do you use it for. chating while gaming. or what the name implys and just a "hangout" while you game ?
Yeah, its just videochatting with multiple users, we just leave the hangouts window open on our second screens and do other stuff while we talk with our group.
Im jelly im lucky if i have one friend online to game with ....
You on steam? I'll add you if you want!
Okay same account name . . .
We mostly just goof around on it.
Are you like, a couple?
Man I've never commented on this sub with the styles turned on. i need to comment on this sub alot more now. .
Thanks from the both of us! c;
:D Have fun and I hope your channel grows!
What monitor stand/bracket is that on the right? i long for a double/triple LCD mount that goes higher than 450mm off the desk, that looks perfect!
Oh, damn. they look much higher than mine (which is 450mm to the centre of the VESA mount), must be the image.
These are 500mm to the centre of the VESA mount, so they're indeed not a lot higher.
I just came, several times.
Not over our gear I hope.
Of course not. I would punish myself
Well, you might've been into that sort of stuff, you never know...
Im thinking about getting a condenser microphone, but Im worried that it will pick up my keyboard sounds as Im talking with my friends on skype. If I were to type an essay or something while talking with my friends through the microphone you have, would they be able to hear the sound of my my cherry mx blue keyboard?
Yep, it'll come through. Consider a hypercardoid or a shotgun mic instead, if you have the budget.
I don't know much about dynamic microphones, but don't you have to get your lips really close to the mic for your voice to pick up?
Really clean setup man. How does the noise from the mx blues work with recording?
The blues are fine, Kevalb's mic hardly picks them up. My greens however, propably because of the mic, are very noticable.
Great setup- one of my favorites actually. Love how there's a lot of space and it all seems very adjustable to your guys' likings. Even got a great view of the outside ^
Thanks lots from the both of us! c;
Oh god those glossy screens ಠ_ಠ
Not sure about the 920 but i can achieve 4.2 on my 930 on air, 1.4v though lol
Kevalb's 920 runs this clockspeed 100% stable on stock volts.
Still wished my rat worked... :/ Sweet set up though.
Do you do radio or record youtube videos or what? You have some heavy recording equipment there.
So clean. So good. Ur good and this is clean. keep it up honey
What CPU cooler is that in kevalb's setup?
Yay at the keyboard choice!
Im going to sound stupid, but I've been wondering about those portrait view monitors. What kind of aspect ratio is that? And where can i get one?
These are normal 16:9 monitors, rotated 90°. If you're looking for one to put on your desk, get a monitor with a stand that can swivel and is height adjustable. You also might want to consider buying a panel with good viewing angles, the colors of mine are terrible.
Do you guys fap at the same time, too?
Boo for Behringer! Yay for microphones! im so sorry
I got the mixer off of a friend of mine dirt cheap, so no loss if it's a piece of crap, it works fine though for our needs.
Behringer everythings is great for the money.
You can't run two graphics cards with only 500W ,try running bf3 on medium for more than 10 minutes
Those cards draw like 80w - what are you talking about?
4 sticks of memory, 3 hardrives, two graphics cards, 10 fans including the graphics card fans, a CD drive, perhaps 4-8 USB devices. I think you might need just a little bit over 500W. edit: and not to mention the 120W CPU.
In fact, we are confused ourselves as to how the tiny beast is pulling through, but it is, and it's working like a charm. It's probably pulling about 600 watts from the wall, but it works, and it's very stable, even with an overclocked CPU and the 2 cards. Even while benchmarking at 100% load it hasn't crashed once, and we ran quite a bit of tests, and quite long tests too.
Well I guess I kinda believe it, corsair probably make their stuff to run at a little higher load.

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