Gaming Setup - Computer Setup


Vibrations and HDD don't mix
My living room is filled with kitchen furniture. In order to have the countertop at the height of a dektop, the legs where not mounted under the cabinets
Your subwoofer is a big magnet, careful with having it so close to your computer and NAS.
The magnet in that little sub definitely won't affect your hard drives at all, but the vibrations might not be too conducive towards hard drive performance. I'm not sure if the vibrations will affect the lifespan, but I doubt it considering they're both on a hard floor.
Would it be a good idea to add a metal sheet under the computer and between the nas and the subwoofer ?
I'm not too sure. Take a look at the manual for your sub, sometimes they suggest a minimum distance.
I got logitech Z-5500, the sub is 3 times bigger on size I guess, my manual says it should be atleast 1m away from any electronics because of the magnets.
If you're thinking about magnetic shielding just make sure you use a ferromagnetic metal, but it'll be much easier just to observe the manufacturer reccommended minimum distance from the sub's solenoid to your HDDs. Stack the NAS, and your comp on a piece of thick foam, or rubber to minimize vibrations from the sub.
Looks good but you made the same mistake that I did. I floated a counter top against a wall and now I can't stretch my legs out at all. Biggest regret I have and will be redesigning because of it.
Countertop and cabinets are from ikea.
Looks awesome, only thing I would change would be the resolution of the 27" monitor, but I love me some 2560x1440.
Isn't the speaker on the left supposed to be on the right?
Is the counter top resting on your tower?
Nevermind. I'm an idiot who didn't see it was an album.
What chair is that?
Markus from ikea, i have the same, it's one comfy chair i must say, good support for your lower spine
Just what I wanted to hear. :-) thanks!
That chair is just awesome, thats true.
Nice whats the NAS? What do you do with it?
NAS : Network Attached Storage (A synology DS213 with 2x1To Raid 1)
I'd raise that monitor
How did you get kitchen cabinets down to the desk height?
Looks like your speakers are the wrong way around.
Nice gaming setup! What are your preferred languages?
I don't know how anyone can program with only one monitor.

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