Gaming Setup - Computer Setup


Added some new gear to my gaming setup. Bought a new laptop (and build myself a stand.) Wanted to add a monitor to my linux server (under the desk), so I dusted off an old 19" LED TV we had in the closet. I figured I might as well hook the TV up to a GoogleTV as well, so I can get some use out of it. So I loaded an SSH client on the Google TV and now I can use that to connect to the Linux box, and have a movie playing in PIP at the same time. Wall mounted my new monitor to reclaim some desk space. That monitor is connected to a i7 desktop under the desk. And then theres the little Asus netbook, that's mainly there for chat programs and running pandora. All the computers have their sound piped through my main desktop and out a single pair of speakers. The Windows machines are all controlled by the main desktop keyboard/mouse using "Mouse Without Borders". IT might seem clunky, but it's actually quite nice to work at.
I want to build the laptop stand you created, tips?
I could give you my Sketchup design file if ya want.

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