This is my office desk, it's optimized for ergonomics at the moment. It's at a comfortable height to stand (yes) in front of it with a good typing angle and screens on pretty much eye level
Burst out laughing at that picture. I love it.
Tell me your github username
Come on OP! Deliver!
My boss has three big-ass green buttons on his keyboard and I always wondered what they did. They're crudely taped onto his keyboard (silver version of what you have) and it looks like he's had it for a while on there. What kinds of repeated commands do you use it for?
Might be a crazy idea, but have you considered asking him? ;D
How you connect your MBP to monitors?
The 13" Retina has 3 display outs, two Thunderbolt (on those I have 2 MDP -> DP cables) and one HDMI.
OP you don't sound very tall... Also, this is a very small mac setup...
I'm 185cm roughly. What do you mean small? Not enough computers? I never got the point in having more computers (which I just end up controlling from the same keyboard anyways, using Synergy) if I can have more screens. I could hook up another one but I'm doing just fine right now :)
We're about the same size (I'm about 6'1~) Just the desk looks really low.
Windows is not an option for my work. (Plus I've never used it privately)
Forever to set up of you don't know Haskell but so worth it.
On phone right now (will reply again), but:
Nano isn't like a abacus O_O
I didn't get it the first time around... Thanks for clearing it up!
Sorry you got downvoted, I don't really see why.
I'm not sure if 30/20 eyesight was a typo or meant as a "better than perfect" joke, but that's not how it works. 20/20 isn't read as 20 out of 20, it's clear vision at 20 feet with both your left and right eye. 15/10 eyesight would mean that you can see clearly at 15 feet with your left eye and 10 feet with your right.
My previous computers were also MacBook Pros (non-Retina) and while Linux was in some regards running better on those the battery life was still only half of what you get on OS X.
I'm looking into those, thanks!
Which kind of commands you repeat that a lot to have them pedal-binded? just curious, programmer here...
C-x, M-x (emacs) and ctrl+alt+enter (window manager)
Do you have a link to where I can get the the peddles?
Thanks I shall check if they ship to England. How do you find the keyboard? I have the Microsoft ergonomic one, have you used it? How does it compare?
What is that magical typing device on your desk?
Glad it works for you... But oh god do I hate keyboards like that.
I said the same thing to my friend who first recommended one. Then I used his for a couple days. Then I bought one. That was 6 years ago and I would replace it in a heartbeat if it died tomorrow.
I'm still fairly young... Maybe after more years in the field I'll change my tune.
If you start worrying about this sort of thing now, you won't have to worry about it when you get older.
What field are you in?
Computer engineering. I just meant that right now I'm not at as much a risk for any adverse health effects of spending all day typing (carpal tunnel and the like).
Depends how long you type I guess. I'm a software engineer so it's minimum 8 hours a day on a keyboard.
Takes a week to get used to but then it's really awesome ;-)
It'd be wayyyyy more than a week for me. I hated the way they taught us to type in school, so I'm all over the keyboard in weird ways. I go for as un-ergonomic as possible.
Mmm, conventional touch-typing never really clicked with me either but I'm still pretty quick.
Oh I can touch type and I'm plenty fast, but 'home row'? Why? I sort of have two or three fingers I can comfortably interchange for each key, so I can always maintain a comfortable, rhythmic pattern to the keystrokes (that sounds ridiculously pretentious, hahaha).
It's a half-hearted attempt to make an ergonomic keyboard that separates your hands correctly... They just increase my wrist pain, I find. I like my Cherry G80. "Conventional", but I've had no issues with it ever.
Hmm I am super slow. 40 wpm. Looks like I have something to work on.
Subscribed, though I wouldn't really know what to post there right now! :)
I don't use Dvorak for several reasons.
I was considering the Kinesis for a while (always was a fan of the Natural/Ergo keyboards) but I opted for the Ergodox kit from Massdrop instead. The thing I liked about the Kinesis was the bowl-shaped keys. The thing I liked about the Ergodox was that I could put the two parts far away from each other. We'll see if it was the right choice!
How does your keyboard compare to the Microsoft ergonomic one?
So, what do you use when you actually type an Email?
Not sure if this is some weird internet irony I'm missing? :)
My bad, I looked at the keys and thought that they were all macro buttons and not a full layout keyboard.
Everything on there would be fine for me, except I use my right index finger to press "b" and that would make me crazy having to switch after all these years.
You can remap everything on the Kinesis!
Dont the lines drive you crazy??? Also, i need that keyboard.
What is your job if I may ask?
Spotify changed my life. thank you kindly.
Try typing "tag:new" in the search on desktop.
Oh yah, I totally found that on the Spotify forums where everyone decided to try and collective use their capslocks to rip new assholes of the spotify staff. I'm also subscribed to the "New Releases on Spotify" playlist, so the What's New screen wasn't really used all that much by me. I was just trying to be a sectionor smartass today :)
We recently bought Tunigo who also have a new release thing. I don't follow new releases much though so I don't know how it works exactly :)
Serious question time - what's up with all the major changes lately? The "oh em gee! Its so white it burns my eyes out" interface changes, the removal of sections like the "What's New", and removal of features from the apps like the ability to change the sort order.
Man, I've been loving the new UI changes. Always thought the interface looked like dogshit. Still not a huge fan of it but it's gotten way better. I think Rdio's got the lock on interface for the time being.
Just a suggestion... can you guys just like buy Pandora and use their music genome thingo for your radio service... the suggestions are heaps better on Pandora!
Hmmmm, I could rant about the Spotify app for Windows Phone right now, lol.
Thank you for providing a streaming service with a high quality bitrate and stellar library! (typing this as I listen to Karnivool on Spotify)
Keep up the good work!
I have been subscribed since like forever. Using it daily. Amazing program.
Thank you very much indeed! Can you moan at whoever's in charge of spotify apps to make the framework a little less of a clusterfuck? I can't wrap my head around it.
Web-based operations fist bump. Currently, hopefully, ending a week from hell in ops at the moment (though nothing fun like streaming music).
If you get Spotify in Canada and I'll somehow buy you a fruit basket.
Holy shit.
My work 'gaming setup': 15" laptop (1366*768), and an external screen (1280×1024 I think?). There has been discussion whether or not to increase the laptop memory from 4 gb to 8, but nothing yet.
Job: developer.
A developer stuck on that horrid resolution? I would go crazy. That is far too little screen space to support any kind of decent development workflow!
No kidding. It's especially horrid in combination with the relatively low memory (when also running local application server etc), as it means that Windows is often writing stuff to disk when inactive. If you press alt-tab once too often you risk opening one of those inactive windows, which locks up the 5400rpm HD, freezing your IDE, breaking your concentration.
So I guess you'd murder me if I said I use a machine with 32GB of memory for little more than batch scripts and web development.
I have 32gb of mem for little more then coolcomputersetups.......I have a problem....
No, we just lack priorities
Ouch. Seems that these things tend to be based on internal company connections... we've got some guys sitting outside our glass doored office that dev for the company running similar specs, while I admin the network on 3x24" 1200p/3770k(4.6 low volts & stable, BTW :P)/32GB/many other goodies. It's all about who you know and how much they care about your experience.
Oh wow your setup sounds amazing. It's funny/sad how much of a difference screen size/resolution can make. I haven't seen that much diversity in our developer's setups, although I have spotted a few huge screens here and there. One is currenly used to monitor unit tests and coverage, seems so wasteful.
Simple but must be great to work on. Is the third monitor worth it/necessary? Or is it just nice to have?
So if you must use your mouse for something do you use the trackpad on the laptop?
I don't need the mouse in everyday life, browser, terminal and so on are completely keyboard controlled as is my window manager. Same goes for all programs that support the accessibility API on OS X (most of them by now with some notable exceptions like Skype).
What is your window manager?
Xnomad. (Not to be confused with Xmonad)
Thank you for this! I've been looking for something like Xmonad for OS X. Excited to give Xnomad a try this weekend.
It needs some extensive configuration to be good. Drop me a DM and I'll send you some info once I'm sober again :)
Couldn't you just puth your conf on github?
Hello from a fellow developer!
Very well actually. I use Vimium (a Chrome extension) on Opera Next plus I've learned many website specific shortcuts by heart (GMail, JIRA and so on).
Only 8 hour days for a programmer? I don't believe it. :)
It's 10:26pm and I'm still at work. Theoretically. In a bar :)
Where'd you get the GitHub sticker?
Nice. I didn't know they had a store.
Colleague brought them from the Github office!
Hmm, I wonder if I can get any through the place I work. I think we are a bit of a support nightmare for them so I am not sure. The last time we contacted GitHub support about our server being slow they said "Wait, is your repository really over a gigabyte?"
Kinesis advantage for the fucking win.
What's the appeal to macs? A load of developers seem to use them... why? I'd like to be enlightened
When I initially read the phrase "Apple is professional Linux" I blew it off as fanboy praise. However, after switching to OS X on a hackintosh and later getting a Macbook Pro, I couldn't agree with that statement more.
So in a sense, you get the goodness of linux, while having the hardware managed by apple through 'linux'?
See, I feel like OS X is *nix for the masses, not the other way around.
They're incredibly reliable. Also I'm an ios developer. But our android developers use them as well. They're just awesome machines.
Are the reliable in the sense that you don't have to manage any of the hardware or software? I would think windows machines are like this... what tools are you looking at that windows doesn't have or is hard to get?
Number one. The GUI doesn't suck.
Terminal is the reason I switched. Ruby and python also work out if the box without the need of extra installation and hassles.
Terminal as in Prepare to have your mind blown by iTerm2 then :)
The best non-linux linux (unix) platform? Great hardware?
This is true. As for the web companies pushing Macs - you get a free choice here and we have quite a few people that run Lenovos with some flavour of Linux. We also have people running Linux on Macs and because they don't want to give up the hardware.
It's a UNIX-like system that comes pre-configured pretty nicely. Personally I prefer Linux, but maybe some people like the fact that it 'just werks'.
I'd say the general reason for its popularity is that it is a fast, powerful, optimized unix based operating system. And the hardware specs are great. They are quite expensive though.
A lot of people also like XCode, It's a bitch to get used to, but so intuitive once you do.
I have not yet tried it. I shall!
I'm jealous of your keyboard.
You're lucky then. I've been looking for a developer job for ages.
Love that keyboard. Bought my kinesis 6 years ago and it's still going strong.
I'm guessing that the stripes are to keep you focused.
Don't notice them really. I'd have to actually look down to have them in my view, and then again I've never really been bothered by things like that.
I used to have one of those keyboards. Its hard to game on without re-mapping a LOT of keys. It was crazy comfy for lots of typing though. i miss it...
The keyboard is pro
Get yourself am ergotron mount and do away with all those paper stacks.
Thanks, didn't know they were a thing and had never thought to Google that either. Will look into it!
That's a very interesting keyboard!
I am SO jealous of your keyboard!
Does it take long to adjust to that keyboard? I'm not a classicly trained typer (fingers on the home row) so I kind of go all over the place. I imagine I'd be typing very slowly on that for ages.
I guess I'm not the only person who uses paper reams as monitor stands.
There is something wrong with your keyboard i think
Last Christmas I counted 37 reems of papaer being used as monitor/laptop stands at my work of aprox 100 cubicles.
(EDIT) Accidentally a word. Thanks
I think you accidentally a word?
I like your stacks of paper, they make me smile.
What happens when you run out of printer paper?
I'm a Pandora guy, why should I switch to Spotify? I have it but I have never really understood it. I don't like that I have to search for songs I want to listen to, I want to just listen to things that sound the same to a song and just play in the background, not search and make a playlist.
That he has a standard full time job?
Lol sitting in front of a computer 8 hours a day is a standard job these days? I'd rather kms than do that.
Well, I work at a tech company - that's the whole point of working with computers! ;-)
Oh, and I stand ;)
Probably not, but... do I spy pacman on the middle screen?
Which pacman are we talking about? Certainly not the game and also not the package manager. It's just emacs.
I thought it was the package manager, the formatting looks a bit like that it uses.
I haven't ever used Arch properly so I don't know its layout :)