Gaming Setup - Computer Setup


OP, I think I see a bit of wall behind that TV, you really need to fix that...
Soooo, what is that TV? 72 inches?
Great setup but that one stick of RAM bothers me. I just looks so lonely. :(
Did you know your brother is in the closet?
Sometimes I forget, he stays in there for a long time, and then just all of the sudden he comes out of the closet
How do you feel having a better gaming setup than your brother?
If by the word better you mean crushing him with my awesomeness so he's banished to the closet, my answer would be pretty good. But he's in high school, and I'm in college so it's not a competition he can compete with though
I love the look of the 598s, definitely my favourite headphones aesthetically wise.
And they sound amazing as well, I've never had a pair of high quality headphones before those other than cheap ear buds
How do you like the Naga Epic?
Its pretty awesome, you can switch out the sides to customize how it fits your hand. Also having it wireless is sooo nice. I don't really use nearly all the buttons though even when I used to play an mmo
Any particular reason you mounted the H100 radiator on the back instead of the top of the case?
Top is 140 mm fans, at one point it was up there, but a disk drive would hit the hoses. Eventually I got sick of not having a disk drive. I buy a lot of cds and need the drive so I can rip them so I moved it. I did like it better top mounted though
Tis' but a horrible title.
Yes it is lol, but I couldn't really think of anything

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