Gaming Setup - Computer Setup


Really nice setup but you can't post what looks to be the best coaster in this existence and the next without info on where to buy it.
Lol thanks! They are "Kikkerland Bear Coasters". I actually ended up getting them at Kohl's, in some random section full of nick nacks.
The things these people have are amazing.
Only pro gamers drink IPA's
Real sick setup! Parts list?
How are the brown switches?
Love'm! I really like that they have the tactile feel of the blues without the noise.
What made you choose the wireless A40's over the wired ones?
I had an older pair of the wired ones that I used for the Xbox 360 and really liked them. One of the only complaints I had with them were the numerous different cables you needed to use them. It really got to be a pain when switching back and forth between the Xbox and the PC.
Arent they the Astro A50?
My question would be, why most people like to put their desktop on the table with the monitor? I know some desktop don't make a lot of noise but the vibration is hard to play games. You can feel it.
My reasons for putting the case on the desk were:
That's a sick coaster.
I know its been said a few times. But that coaster is just so damn classy.
Where may one find the wallpaper? :)
I can't wait to buy Game of Thrones figurines for my gaming setup!
Is it wrong that my favorite part of this was the beer choice?
Nope, that's a great beer!
That beer will put hair on your chest. Nice gaming setup too. ;)
Thanks! With their 120 minute you can actually see the hair on your chest grow as you drink it.
I was not impressed until the beer/bear combo. Nice job!

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