Gaming Setup - Computer Setup


I see that you like skiing. As do I
It get's me out of the house during the winter, and working at a ski shop helps :D
Hmm... cable management may need some work
What kind of table is that? Nice set up btw.
No idea honestly, bought it off craigslist and i haven't seen any manufacturer markings. If you have a clue at where I could look i would be more than happy to investigate!
URoch. employed only, got my undergrad from Brockport.
What keyboard is that in the last few pics?
Where can I get that full length yellow submarine poster?
Out of stock :/ Thanks though I'll look around.
Gotta love it, Revolver is always my favorite movie though..
I spied those great lakes brews in there. they make some good beers.
That they do, you from the northeast as well?
Yup. the edmund fitzgerald was always my favorite.
Damn kids these days will never know the joys of lugging a giant CRT around!
I have the same desk. I love it.
I don't even... how did your roommate survive without a desk?!
Damn, man. Seems like your income evolved along with your gaming setup lol. Looks awesome.
Thanks dude! just saving until the big day when i could afford her!

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