Gaming Setup - Computer Setup


Sexy build. I love the back lighting on your desk also.
Insane upgrader....and mind explaining the push pull of a radiator? and is liquid cooling worth it long term?(im planning on doing little long term upgrades now and then going over kill upgrades later)
Honestly, probably not worth it. I'm just going for over the top. The push pull was just because I can.
Can I ask where you got that desk?
Very nice! What kind of monitor stand are you using?
That's kind of expensive.
Totally worth it. I can move my monitors ANYWHERE. Switch to portrait? No problem. Watch on the couch? No problem. More desk space? No problem.
Looks awesome. Why did you choose to do that big loop over the CPU? You could probably go from the GPU to the right CPU block outlet, then from the left CPU block outlet to the Maximus mobo block. Would that work?
Love it! Though the angle on your screens make no sense unless you're constantly leaned slightly in over your desk
Wish I could hire someone to build something that sick for me
It's my first time watercooling. I'm new to this whole gaming setup buildapc thing.
It's kind of standard to post the specs of your build on here. In this case in particular I would love some information on the watercooling system that you chose, if you would be so kind.
Could we get specs please?
I7 4770k, dual 780s, triple 1440p monitors, corsair ax1200i, asus maximus vi formula, 32gigs of corsair dominator 1600mhz ram, 128gb boot ssd, 256gb storage ssd, 2tb wd black storage hdd, dual 480mm rads push/pull, 20 total fans, xspc waterblocks, corsair 900d.
I want your exact setup.
Nice build with a black/red theme. What do you think of the Lamptron fan controller, are any of the knobs not smooth?.. I ordered the same controller before they were out of stock globally as this model has been discontinued now. Still have not got any fans hooked up to it though, my two left knobs are kind of "bumpy"!
Mine is smooth but for some reason one of my rpm displays is not showing anything.
Lol, I have the same kb/mouse pad, but just a regular g700 mouse. I also have the ergotron side-by-side stand.
What case is that? Is it a full tower? Also amazing build I want to get into watercooling at some point but it's a lotta work, eventually though.
Looks to be Corsair Obsidian 900
It was a lot of work. Very satisfying once you finish it though.
Little might be a bit modest. Looks great!
How do you like the G710+?
It's great. Hard to clean though.
How is it hard to clean? I'm just wondering cause I'm interested in buying it.
Pretty hard to get crumbs out.
Nice! I got the same case recently. How do you like it?
Amazing that the cosmos 2 and the 900d is about the same size and the 900d fits so much more.
I know! It's amazing. I recently have gotten into water cooling and wanted to get something with A LOT of room for radiators, tubing, and cable management. I absolutely LOVE how much space there is on the back for routing cables.
Took one look at the price on Amazon and realized I don't have any money. Fuck.
You've got a couple strange tubing runs IMO, but dayum that is sexy.
I didn't have the right fittings to do it properly. I thought it looked good this way though.
The G710+ is a mechanical keyboard.
I love the Corsair cases (I have a 350D) but I HATE the look of the front bays when you have something in them :( I would get a basic Optical drive to put in my build but it just looks funky to me. I can always get an external optical drive but its not worth it XD I never use DvDs/CDs anyway.
Unfortunately I have to have the fan controller.
Damn thats the MIFcom PC... that thing is worth 5k... I'm jelly now.

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