Gaming Setup - Computer Setup


I guess I'm just growing old, but it looks kind of tacky.
Its nice when shutting all the lights off and watching a movie. they change to any color I want. I work from home so this works for me. :)
Is that an Ego Twist and a protank?
Yes sir. this is also my vaping gaming setup.
Looks all good to me!
I'd just assumed those were early Christmas decorations.. seems a bit much...
Cool setup dude.... extra......privacy hehe
Could not have gotten a more awkward answer in two characters. .... "enjoy ;)" ?
The TV in the living room is connected to the PC with an HDMI cable and Chromecast(and for other devices as well)
Awesome! What tablet is that?
Well the lights change any color with a remote control. I just synced it up with my wallpaper for the pic
Also its the Motorola Xoom
First of all, cool stuff bro.
The keys on the keyboard have lights on them. they aren't too bright though. I saved the JPG to my tablet and set it as the wallpaper. The xmas lights I bought came with a remote control. and the stand I use for my tablet is actually a wireless audio transmitter from brookstone. the speakers are in my bedroom. I can listen to music from my PC while I sleep.
I like the setup. Nice ego twist btw
Cant have a gaming computer without a protank!
Upvote for the awesome Blind Guardian flags
Oooo this is what I call heaven
If I had a nickel for everytime you did something stupid, I'd be broke!
This is awesome! If it were me I would be too tempted to put it closer to the walls with an external camera. Just for shiggles. Oh and of course increased fapping security.
Lol I live with my girlfriend so fap security is not really needed.
Yeah... You only need that when you're married
Where'd you get the twilight princess poster thing?
I had it for years. this small place in NH
Pretty cool setup man, I like the idea of having an office in a small space, really awesome - more pics!
What kind of ecig is that next to the keyboard? I'm looking for a new one after my cheap one broke.
Clever, lights around TV would bug me though. Cool setup.
You're all set for Christmas as well.
I spot a X50 volume knob?
I love this. What are the dimensions of the room, if you don't mind me asking. I suck at guestimating sizes.
Looks good aside from those blue lights, reminds me of something a college girl would do for a party
Obviously he likes to party.
Obviously, he's just prepared for Christmas all year round :)

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