Looks great. Gotta get some bezel compensation though!
I had to work in 1" increments for spacing, but I was lucky to end up with only a 1/2" gap between monitors. Not quite ready to start taking the frames off the monitors.
No no no. I meant bezel compensation as in the picture being crisp from one monitor to the other. it is basically lining it up.
I'll check it out. Thanks for the tip.
Who downvotes a nice comment like this?
People who find the whole white-knight/gentleman, "here's my bookmark good sir *tips fedora*" obnoxious.
People who didn't know it was possible.
People who didn't know it was possible would downvote someone saying "You're welcome, sir!"? Seems odd.
Wow, this post is pure gold
You forgot uncomfortable flying dog, but thanks.
He's not a dog person
You gonna eat that banana?
No, that's there for scale.
I know this is usually not a funny coolcomputersetups but I freaking lost it at the banana.
You gunna weigh that banana?
It works out to about two half-bananas
The banana really helped me, actually! I was wondering how big those monitors were
Nice! And the sad part is, 6 of those were probably cheaper than a high end 1440p monitor
Have a look in the Catalyst Control Center (or whatever it's called now) for a setting called underscan/overscan. You'll want to decrease the underscan or increase the overscan until it matches up to the edges.
I'll check that out. Thanks.
That's exactly it. Only happens with HDMI (maybe just on AMD cards), but CCC will fix it perfectly
Nope, on NVIDIA cards as well. It's because most TVs require some overscan to actually fit on the display properly, which is why the HDMI outs do it.
I had the same problem hooking my HTPC up to a TV and just went into the GPU control panel and manually adjusted the screen height and width.
Extremely curious: What is the use of all the monitors?
Less time switching back and forth between windows. In an 8 hour work day it might amount to 10-20 minutes saved. Add up that time over a year, multiply it by your average hourly rate, add some potatoes, and baby, you've got a stew going!
Also out of curiosity, what do you do?
I support Business Improvement Areas/Districts with web/admin/tech/consulting. Great niche!
That sounds great! But what do you do?
BIAs are run by volunteer boards of directors. Everyone has great ideas for improving their own BIA but since they already have their own business to take care of, they need a dedicated person to carry out the work for them.
Just did the math. It's not enough. I need a new job.
Ah, thanks for putting the banana there for scale, I was a bit confused of how big the setup was until I saw that! Very cool setup!
You were half expecting a gaming setup for ants weren't you?
Yeah, pretty much. It wouldn't have been nearly as cool if it was any scale.
I think you might have some trouble with your bracket in the long run. Your fasteners absolutely need washers. Otherwise you run a much greater risk of shearing through the nuts. Also, you are supporting all of the weight of monitors on the threads of your wood screws that attach the L bracket to the wooden platform of the desk. That will also definitely fail with any hard use. If you really want to increase the strength of the whole bracket system, move the L bracket from the bottom of the platform to the top.
Thanks for the advice. I made a note to check on all the screws after a month.
No problem. At the very least, add those washers. That's easy and will definitely take some stress of the fasteners.
Ahh, i see have the Razer Diamondback. It's a really great mouse! Unfortunately mine gave up a couple of months ago:( It was a really sad day...
It's the Mazer line from e-blue. Not a dedicated company. But yes, they are rather nice, affordable Razer knockoffs.
I bought a diamondback a while back (lOl) and it was one of the best mice i've ever used for gaming, hands down. The problem with them (at least from razer) is that they use dip-switches, which use long prongs of plastic to activate mouse 1 + 2. These wear down over time meaning clicking gets hard. I bought a replica shaped one from ebay (china) and then replaced just the top part. Best mouse ever and it's pretty much brand new.
Really is a great mouse, I used mine for about 4-5 years. It was a sad day the day that it broke. I got a Razer Naga Epic now but it is still not as good as the diamondback for me, because I have a big hand and that was the largest mouse Razer used to sell.
Awesome station! Love the DIY aspect of this one, and it looks like it turned out all right!
Not sure yet, but will embezzlement if my job doesn't work out.
What else would it be for?
That is such a trend now its no funny
I wish my setup was 8 bananas long like yours is.
The MSI 270X was $159.99 at Fry's a few days ago. Check Ebay and you may be able to still save some cash. I unfortunately missed the deal :(
Thanks. Not changing video cards. I felt like R Kelly on a first date trying to fit the cards in.
Not sure if I get the reference.. But still laughed
I thought you meant you were trying to pee on your GPU
If that would have helped it for in better, I would have.
Bookmark for the banana, couldnt tell the scale without it.
That was my afternoon snack actually.
I like everything about this but the keyboard. The guys at r/mechanicalkeyboards have ruined me.
I'm curious why? Personally, I love this because your fingers barely need to move. I don't know the exact measurements, but when 3/8" difference in how far down you need to push a key to register makes a difference when you type a lot. Less effort and movement for the fingers so I can type faster. Maybe it's just me.
Looks great! How'd you modify it like that? Plasti-dip?
Awesome. I appreciate the album and information. I'm also interested in how it feels. I've had my keyboard for a little over a year and the keys are very glossy from use. Does the spray you used restore a uniform matte feel over the keys?
Actually, I'd say it gives the keys a bit more texture, if anything. It might depend on the type of paint used/process of application though.
As a mechanical keyboard user who can't stand these, here's a bit of insight into why. If you've ever used a mechanical keyboard, they do have higher buttons, but you can find a key switch that suits you so it's as easy/resistant as you want. Also, having actuation points halfway doing the keystroke means you really only have to press it down about the same length as an apple keyboard, there's just more room below that, and as I like to type quite vigorously, not bottoming out instantly and slamming my finger against it feels much better and makes for a smoother typing experience.
Try mechanical - never go back...
I've tried two mechanical keyboards, both with blue switches, but I ended up going back to the Apple aluminum keyboard both times. I'm not ready to try a red mechanical keyboard yet though. I always end up disliking the height of the keyboard and the fatigue in my wrists after typing. After typing by just sliding my fingers around for years (I think 6-7 years), it's a big transition to go through.
I have and do with clients. Still don't see the advantage.
If you tried and didn't fall in love, lucky you - that shit is expensive, but in my opinion worth it.
I actually don't like them either, when gaming I use a speed-pad (nostromo) and think it feels fine, and when typing my membrane KB is load enough I can't stand the noise of mechanical.
Apple keyboard aren't cheap either. I'd say their both equal. Cheap mechanical and reg priced apple keyboards are prob the same price.
Which shows how hard Apple is milking people.
I have a problem with apple keyboards. After using a 'normal' keyboard for most of my life, with the apple it feels like i'm hammering the poor thing apart when I get into the groove of typing.
After using a mechanical keyboard for long enough, it took a spill, so I took it out, ran it under water for like 5 minutes, left it to dry for 3 days, and here I am typing on it again. (Good luck doing that with your crapple keyboard)
5 years. No spills.
I used to use original IBM keyboards and now I won't even touch them. Instead I have a stack of Microsoft Comfort Curve 2000 keyboards I bought off of Ebay. Best keyboard I've ever used.
If ducky ever decided to release their damn mac version I would!
I like mechanical keyboards also, they are just extremely loud. Even with brown switches.
There is a mechanical keyboard circlejerk in this coolcomputersetups that is fucking annoying.
Just curious, but have you ever used a mech? I felt the same way until i tried it and now i cant go back.
Yup we had hundreds of them when I was a computer technician at a major university. Did not like using them at all (didn't have any windows keys, most needed a USB adapter and the keys took a ton of pressure to click). We had about 100 or so IBM Model M keyboards that we ended up throwing away and replaced them with KVM switches and USB wireless keyboard/mice so we could easily work on 5+ computers at a time.
Never used a buckling spring kb but from what i hear they feel quite different from a cherry mx or a topre switch. might want to try them out before saying you dont like mechs, as they all have a very unique feel to them.
I am completely happy with my current setup. Show me a wireless keyboard that has a full layout and never needs charging (I've been using my k750 for over a year and its never needed to be charged) and I'll consider it.
Wireless would be the issue there. Other than that there are some very reasonably priced full layout mechs with a variety of switches. If you are willing to sacrifice the wireless i can almost guarantee you a typing experience you will love. Bear in mind that it might take week or 2 to get used to, but for me personally it was love at first type. Nice setup btw.
Again thank you for the suggestions but I am currently happy with my current setup. If they ever release a good wireless mechanical keyboard I'll consider it
Haha wireless does sound convenient! to each their own my friend.
Mx Reds make like no noise at all
I think the complaint about the "circlejerk" is that people say that mechanical keyboards are objectively better. People have preferences, and sometimes they don't like the keyboards. I love mechanical keyboards, but I really like the Apple chiclet keys as well. They're just incredibly comfortable and I feel like my fingers can fly over the keyboard, where they sometimes stumble on the high-profile mechanical keys.
I thought the same thing. I have a laptop with similar keys and I'm thinking to myself this is prob the best damn keyboard ever. But I bought a cherry mx browns keyboard and whenever I go to the laptop it feels so unsatisfying. Typing just doesn't feel right.
I guess I have shaky hands or something and I found on my old logitech g510 that I would often not press the key fully enough for it to register and on keyboards like this one I would double tap keys on accident. I mainly like the mechanical keys for the resistance because it takes out the guessing for me. I type about 10 wpm faster. I know it all comes down to preference but it's kinda like the difference between a product made of metal vs plastic. The metal just feels more solid and reliable.
Agreed, to each their own.
Totally agreed, but remember - to each their own. It's a documentation of what he uses, not something to please all of us!
I'm gonna need a new pair of pants.
I was thinking surprised... I get worried, though.
No, to help hold down the desk.
Your DIY monitor mount looks like an erector set, pretty awesome :D
I loved Meccano when I was a kid. Funny I hadn't made the connection until you mentioned it.
I'd say I built a decent sized erection.
Would you mind measuring the length and width of the desk's top?
Looks like 10 bananas long and 2 banannas wide
If you don't mind me asking, where is that desk from?
See the descriptions in the first few images.
Where does everyone get all the awesome back lighting from?
Really, more specifically what are they? Just a strip of LEDs?
Yep. Get the ones with color control
Yup, that's the one I'm using (single long strip)
Yeah, I'm also using a Galant frame like in the one you picked out. Very very easy to put together and has a solid weight so little desk movement.
Amazon sells RGB LED strips for $20-30 as does eBay. You can usually find one with free shipping as well. I got 16 feet of RGB LEDs plus controller box and power supply for under $30 shipped, though I didn't use the controller box and instead built my own that is controlled via serial port from the PC.
What type of backlights are those?
$40 led strip from ikea
Thanks. This is kind of cool.
Im glad that you put the banana in for size reference.
That was just my snack for later.
Love the clean look. Where did you get the under desk wire holders?
When will we see bezeless monitors?!
And I thought I was ballin with two screens, well fuck....
And a banana for scale.
No, that's there to attract the fruit flies.
No longer on sale, but there were many that fell within +/- $10 by LG, just check local businesses; there's bound to be sale price at some of them.
I want that . . . cat.
You couldn't handle the cute.
I like the banana for size comparison, really puts things into perspective for me. Thanks!
That was there as a paper weight actually.
Ok So I suck at life and see these backlights all the time on this coolcomputersetups. Well to be frank I'm super jealous and I want to know what everyone on here is using for that effect and how I can setup something similar.
I have two of these on a homemade plexiglass bracket, connected with a 3ft molex extension cable to one of these so that the lights turn off when I put the computer to sleep.
His is exained further up in the comments.
That's some batcave like shit right there op.
I'm so curious. What do you do with such a crazy setup?
Productivity. See comment above about why so many monitors.
One day I wish to have money...
How do you make your background stretch out to all monitors? When I do it, it just makes the same pic on each display..
I don't remember tbh - was already used to stretching across many from when I had 4
Interesting. I would have treated each vertical pair of monitors as an individual stand, used square tubing instead, and once I got the dimensions right, screwed and spot welded the thing together. Then washers. Big washers. Then drilled holes through the table to accept the double right angle bolted clamp system.
Unfortunately, I had no access to welding or cutting.
What model banana is that? Would you recommend it?
Size: like a potato, but banana shaped.
Fantastic, Simple and Maximum ScreenSpace. I liked your idea :D copying it.
Feel free to ask if you have any questions. Note the guy's tip above concerning washers and bolts.
Loving the "banana for scale" in #20.
Actually, it was just there cause I was, uh, holding it for a friend. I swear it's not mine.
I have 2 of those monitors! :D
6 screens, no mouse pad
Nice setup but IMO that amount of monitors is just stupid.
See my comment about why so many further up (someone asked why so many).
Why does this have so many bookmarks? Those bezels make me want to puke.