Gaming Setup - Computer Setup


Very cool that you teach them how to build. Doing that even once will teach a person so much about computers.
I didn't even know Math Blasters was still a thing! I remember playing it in the early 90s when I was a kid.
Some games are running on dos boxes. To answer your question, some games like kidpix are still going strong while other studios have gone online like oregon trail.
This is so cool! I'm so happy people like you are doing this. The more kids learn, the better the world is! Go team! America! Europe! Asia! Continents unite! We are Earth, education shall reign supreme!
If you are near Dallas, I have some stuff...
We're a ways away, but there are plenty of community computing centers, especially at community libraries that always are in need of equipment.
I'm so jealous. I had a program at my old school that was a little like this. I remember computer lab time when I was in 1st grade. Oregon trail was the shit. That and all the random learning games we'd play. We had one "new" computer which was a Macintosh which had Cro Mag Ralley and Bugdom on it and people would take turns playing those games after we finished our typing lessons. But we never had a TINKERING STATION!!! Seriously though, this is really cool.
Believe it or not I still use that '02 keyboard for gaming. Got it back in the day alongside my Dell Dimension 2350.
This in Hawaii? Edit: Sweet! I'm in Hawaii also. This seems like quite a nice setup for out here...
Where in Hawaii is this? I live on O'ahu and would love to donate some spare parts if I find some! I wish we had this in school!
I wish my area had something like this when I was younger...The most my community has is the high school's typing and media creation classes.
This is awesome, I love your resourcefulness!
Wow. My current gaming setup is an overhauled Compaq from the same series as the box on the far left of pic 9.
Why the long sigh, friend?
There are! These info-posters were made by my students and we had a long talk about diversification in computer science. I think our bigger concern is that they are all white.
If you were teaching an Olympic Sprinting class would you be concerned that a large portion of your info-posters were all black? Somehow I doubt it. IT is what it is, no sense trying to shoehorn in some ham-fisted agenda into CompSci.
You sound like a fucking awesome teacher.
I am sad GabeN isn't on your wall :(
I'm sad Alan Turing isn't on..
I'm sad that you mention about Gates and Jobs yet no mention of Dennis Ritchie! :-(

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