Gaming Setup - Computer Setup


I'm interested to see the rest of your appartment.
Ask and yee shall receive!
Have you got a floorplan by any chance? Love the apartment, kinda want to do something similar
Like an official or a general one? Hah I could make you up one real quick
That'd be awesome if you could.
Woah, that is TINY. Awesome how you've made that work. Where's the entrance? Where the outdoors place is?
I would guess it's that door next to the couch.
Door next to the couch goes to an inner gated entrance, door up on higher level goes directly outdoors, so technically I have two entrances.
Your living space is beautiful. I'm kinda jealous. Actually, I'll be frank. I am jealous!
Hah thank you :] So glad to be out of school and have a place to call my own that I really love.
I've never seen a kitchen that tiny. But It looks awesome!
Love what you did with your table, very unique. Also nice ferris bueller sb
Hah surprised so many people noticed :P I have a lot of my SB's from that gen in the closet. Don't wear them much anymore but my lobsters are by far my favorite.
Man the blue lobster pack was sick too. I stopped buying SB dunks since I barely skate now but I'll occasionally rock my old ones too. The blue Kostons were probably my favorite.
Ya I wanted blue lobsters for a long time but never got a pair, always too pricey for my budget when I found a pair.
Yeah I wish Dell at least updated their 4:3 20inch IPS monitors to at least match the U3011 but there's barely a market for that. Also wish Apple updated their 30inch Cinema display too :(
Aha I was into shoes for a bit and anything shoe relate always catches my eye. Its pretty rare to find people who are like into computer/tech stuff and shoes :D So super big thumbs up to you!
You should try looking for Korean/Japanese furniture as they are built for this kind of lifestyle, cramped and requires as much space economy as possible. Great gaming setup!
Amazing setup, man. Love the helmet on your desk.
Thank you! One of four in the world, won at Halofest for their CTF tournament. My team actually won the team Slayer tournament and got signed reach xbox 360 consoles, but I already had a bunch of signed stuff so I traded it for the helmet to another winner. Helmet meant a lot more to me and I appreciated the individuality of it.
Can i has rec0n plz?
Awesome. Wish I had that helmet!
Ya I did, actually was just putting the legs next to the raised level, putting tape on them, and roughly hacksawing them off lol. Flat enough to work, only off by like an 1/8th of an inch but the weight of the table flattens it out just fine.
Nice, I thought that was really clever (:
I was just about to ask how to buy one. :(
Where do you live? This is absolutely law dropping my gorgeous.
Good old San Francisco. Lived here for two months now
Call me lucky then :P 1650. Though I live in a lamer part of SOMA on street level. Where are you at?
I'm in a lame part of Soma as well, 4th and Harrison. On the 8th floor. How did you find that deal? My deal was considerably below market price in August when I moved in.
Hah two blocks away! Guess I got lucky. It's a residential/commercial lease which helped, not many people want ground floor either.
I can't see it directly from my building, I think the freeway is in the way, but I know right where it is.
Nice :P I work at Astro Studios (design firm that used to own Astro Gaming), just down Harrison on 6th.
I hope this isn't too nosy but how much does an apartment like this run for in San Fran?
Quality 1650, which is cheap for the city.
How in the hell do you manage that? I've got a 3 bedroom in the DFW metroplex for $1150/month. Is the average salary difference really that much?
Third most expensive city in the US! It's really crazy stuff. I come from Northern WA where 1650 would get me quite a big house, and instead I spend it on a room. Makes me feel like I overpay, but then people tell me it's cheap haha.
Im in NYC now and pay USD 1,500/ month for my tiny studio. When I lived down in Florida, I had a 2 bed/2 bath 1 car garage apt in Orlando for a cool USD 1,000/ month.
This is shocking to me really.. I'm sitting here thinking, oh cool, must be like $450 a month. Then you guys tell me that you're spending 3/4 of what I make a month on rent alone.
I can't believe how much these tiny little spaces cost ... my current and first apartment is only $675 a month, my bedroom and bathroom are bigger than these studios. Then again if I lived in downtown Chicago rather than in the burbs my rent would be crazy too.
I'd love to live in an apartment like that O:
What kind of couch do you have? Looks nice! Great setup!
It is an Ikea Manstad! Sweet couch because it pulls out to be a queensize bed, and perfect lounge for watching tv and such
This is really sick and a nice set up overall. You made a small space look cozy.
You have a beautiful studio, friend! The minimalist decorating suits it well. It looks like a perfect amount of space.
The desk is so amazing
I have the same TV, and completely understand the speaker situation.. They do leave a lot to be desired, especially since they face backwards; I guess that would make sense if it were wall-mounted.. But it has such a good picture with my blu-ray and when I use it as a monitor. So I think it evens out :P
Hah ya, I mean they work but ehhh. Definitely could use something higher fidelity, and pretty haha.
You should put the desk on wheels, or a track
Personally, if I could, I'd use a 46 inch flatpanel TV as a monitor on my desk. Love this setup.
Where'd you get the Halo helmet from?
Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit that's cool. I am jealous.
Hah thanks man, it really is one of my favorite possessions. Kind of sums up my teen years in one object.
Sweet studio man, loving the minimalist look of the place, especially with all the wood. Good choice with Frou Frou too.
Could you tell that from the album art? Color me impressed hah. I'm a sucker for Let Go, I should check out more of their music
That table on the left is really interesting... uneven legs.
How do you sit at the desk with the step preventing the chair from pulling out?
The step is just a step! It can be moved wherever it isn't attached to the floor or wall. So I just scoot it to the side a little
Doesn't the step there get in the way of the chair? But overall this is a sick apartment.
I really love your setup, it's beautiful. The small house it's perfect. That's a place like that I want to live when I'm out of univ. Im stunned!
Where did u get the recon helmet?? i want it

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