Gaming Setup - Computer Setup


Did... did you test boot with no CPU cooler on?
Lol yea this was my first build ever and i didnt read that you needed to so when i started it up that bitch got to 99C and stayed there before i figured out otherwise. but its all good now it idles at 28c and underload about 40c (in my room 24c)
As a highschooler, where in the hell do you get the money for that kind of system??
Private business ventures. He sells weed.
If I did I'd have 5 of these builds.
During the last summer break I was scouted by a temp agency that sent me to work at a Fossil warehouse where I packaged thousands of dollars of watches and jewelry for shipment to Texas where they were opening another warehouse and needed more hands to ship from the failing Local warehouse. Anyway, there I made about $1200+/- after taxes in a time period of 2 weeks plus weekends (overtime). In addition, I dont get allowance so in order to make more revenue i needed to get a 'job' and i found it working as an AUTOCAD draftsman for an impact window company. They give me a hand drawn draft of a floorplan and i would draw it on AUTOCad so they can have it on the computer for wind pressure calculations and what not. I get about $50 (then minus taxes) an hour for that and so that check is determined on how much work i do every two weeks. plus birthday money but that only made up about $300 over 2 birthdays. all and all pretty proud of how it turned out...and yes i chose this over a car
$50 an hour is great. Did you teach yourself Autocad?
I go to an engineering magnet school and part of their curriculum is to have their seniors certified in Autocad. However the pace is somewhat slow so I taught myself before the teacher taught it.
Kudos to you for teaching yourself OP! Enjoy your new gaming setup, looks pretty sweet :)
Nice. also link to the bed? or what type it is?
Desk to go with? Really like your room set up /: wish I didn't live in an unfinished basement some times
That's odd they are the only people that I know of that so that
I havent herd of PLTW but we do work with STEM and TSA
Damn I went in thinking "rich kid" but wow I was wrong, Keep this up and you will get a nice job after schooling. Something I wish I could say being 24 and working retail :
I worked in the warehouse in Texas for the past 2 years.
Going with part-time job and saving up, or parents.
As a high schooler with a similarly powerful system (minus the sound system, and in a itx case) , for me at least it's was multiple years of full time summer jobs, as well as some part time jobs during the school year. I budget half of what I make to be able to be spent, which generally means I spend it on computer stuff.
I just graduated high school too, and worked full time over the summer as a pizza guy (great $$ btw). I only spent 615$ on my system.. I kinda regret going budget though. I had the money to build a super nice system, I just couldn't justify spending it though. But after discovering the awesomeness of pc gaming, I learned now buy it nice or buy it twice. Browsing this coolcomputersetups makes me feel.. Pathetic?
LOL e-peen... yea bro i justify it by the 'time to $' ratio of a movie ticket (about $12 for 2 hours of entertainment) and by that logic i have gotten my money back and more and i can sleep at night knowing i didnt just throw away $2100. I might look in to a pizza delivery when u get a it tips only?
Tips, gas reimbursement, and minimum wage. Plus, you get to see a bunch of crazy things at people's houses.
Damn that does sound like a sweet job, ill defiantly look into that thanks!
On a unrelated note, what size of mattress does that ikea bed frame hold?
Full/double. I have the full from my old bed frame
Yea i got a realy lucky ass break with this job i did at Fossil, plus i didnt spend any money wahtso ever and with no car it was pretty easy
I made about $2000 last summer working $8 an hour. It's not that hard lol.
Yep it is very doable
I really like the gaming setup under the bed idea. Very tidy setup.
Thanks! I had to solve the problem of space on my desk and i wanted it to be centered for my mild ocd so yea, i built a stand and mounted that bitch above my monitor:D so now i have that bass on top and the 10" below.
The sub is made to work on the floor. Floating it will make it quieter (leading you to overdrive it) and probably looser as well.
Alright i was a little proud of the pedestal because it was my first little diy project but ill look into trying to move it back down. I mean, i made sure the contact between the desk and 2x4 were flush and the contact between the sub and top part were also flush. Also, the sound is pretty much the same as when it was on the floor if not better (no the bottom sub wasnt on when i was testing it). Could you please elaborate on why the sound would be different if it were either on the floor or the desk? and would it be crazy if i put the towers on the desk?
Hey man, that's a really cool DIY and you should feel proud. I'm 23 and I don't think I'd be able to do it. While this guy isn't being super kind, he prob does know what he's talking about. It may take some googling and reading and rearranging but like he said you could have a very decent set up. I'm digging the entire gaming setup.
Dude its fucking awesome! I've noticed a bunch of people around here also are admires of this lovely case, especially in white. Thanks and yea ill read up on it
You may have already gotten an answer to your sub's location, but I'll throw in my 2 cents as well. In short, subs work best when they are in contact with large hard surfaces, such as your floor. They use very slow, but high pressure waves which are dampened when suspended in the air. I worked for a few years as a sound engineer. If you've ever been to any sort of pop or electronic concert you'll notice the subs are always on the floor and near the center of the stage because they are not directional like tweeters. Subs project at a very wide angle (or in your case, almost 360 degrees). In your case, sticking that sub in the corner by your feet will offer the best quality and projection of sound for that space. Hope this helps!
Yea this helps alot! I figure i can use the one one my desk for when im listening to music normally and when i really what to feel the bass i turn on the floor one. Thanks man!
I said read about Placement and Acoustics obviously you didn't do that or you wouldn't be asking if you should put your towers on your desk. I don't have the time to write up a 2000 word essay on Acoustical Engineering and another 2000 words on Room and Material Acoustics. So go learn something new.
You wanna be even more of an ass to someone.
I meant a little explanation, not something that something that would terribly burden you. I don't need to learn all of chemistry to learn why water is wet...but oh well
Bro, listen, I will try to reply without being an ass like the other guy. (who was right, but needs to work on his presentation). First of all, in a space like this you should not be using a 5.1. You have a centre speaker under the table, and two towers ontop of each other on one side (this is like, some kind of audiophile nightmare lol). 2 speakers would sound better and give you a better soundstage. Cut it down to two speakers, on left and right of you, try to have the tweeters at your ears, no biggie if not. And the sub. Man that placement is terrible no offense. Put it on the floor. You only need 1 sub too for this kinda set up. But do whatever the fuck you want!
Thanks man that wasn't too difficult... btw i dont think i mentioned this before but the towers aren't hooked up, the only speakers functioning are the two small ones on my desk and the 2 subs. at this point im saving the whole system for when i move out and find my own place. and ive tried to fit the center under my center monitor but it didnt fit and since the left monitor is wall-mounted i cant move the dual mount up or down without it being off. but ill refine it as i go thanks once again
Hey man that's probably the best thing u can do in this scenario until you get some proper room. all the best
What setting do you run bf4 at? Looking to get a build like this! Good job and sweet setup btw.
I run it at the highest setting @~60fps and drops of 40-50 during operation locker clusterfucks
Clean set up. How much did the build cost?
In total it came out to about $2100 minus the monitors
Very nice and clean setup. I wouldn't be able to sleep at night with my computer below me though. I would be too worried.
Well I sleep under mine, which might be worse.
Wait what? you sleep under your gaming setup?? pictures???
I guess ill finally make a post haha. Give me 5 min
I would be too but after a week of sleeping and doing other things up there it dosnt bother me anymore.
Why do you have 2 sound systems hooked?
I originally bought the Logitech system but then i came across the mtx, towers, center and these other 2 smaller speakers that were blown at a moving sale and bought everything for about $100 not too bad i think. i also picked up the receiver at hhgregg open box for $68.
Yea i was thinking about that but where would i put the towers??
Stick them on stands or wallmount them. They don't look THAT tall to me.
It does seem like that's really your only option. If they sent too heavy, you can get brackets that will hold up to 30lbs each
Omg that would be sooo awesome...where were you thinking about placement? on either wall above the monitor?
Yeah, that wouldn't be too bad. Try to keep the tweeters at ear height if you can. There might be some rearranging you might have to do but it should work out.
Cool idea dude thanks alot!
Word of warning. h100i prone to LED breakage and cooling failures. Keep that s*** monitored. Other than that, good set up friend.
I will definitely keep that in mind, thanks for the heads up!
Op, is it easy to fuck on those loft beds? Serious question.
You crazy kids and your LEDs. Nice setup, especially for a high school kid. Pssh i wasted all the money I got from working in high school on a car, money wasted....
As another high-schooler we share the same keyboard and headphones! They are pretty awesome! Hope you enjoy your new build!
I had the G510,it was alright for awhile. I got a mech now and the G510 feels so clunky.
Yea it also dosent help that my friend spilled monster on it lol
Why did you skip out on a GTX 770 to beef up the CPU end of things?
This build wasnt supposed to break $1500 let alone $2000. so i figured ill get the 760 which is 250(got it on sale for ~220) which is running every game i have on ultra just fine. i know it dosnt seem logical to spend extra money for the same performance (2x 760 ~ 1x 770) but i figured in about 2-3 years ill either upgrade it to a 780 (or the newest thing) or ill by another 760 and dual sli them. plus autocad is cpu intensive so it worked out best for me in the end
Thats why I was asking, usually you may see i5 unlocked CPU's paired with GTX 760, but usually they don't go an buy a $110 CLC unless they need to overclock and CPU performance is important.
Never even considered that option, oh well thanks bro!
SLI 760s are better than a 780 or a Titan.
Wooow so the $100 extra is worth it huh
If you mean the cost of 2x 760s VS. 1x 780 factored into a new build, then no. Always go for the single best card you can buy, which you did in your case.
Exactly! i had some help from friends when i dove head first into this project and we planned for the future since it was a lot of money being spent. Thanks bro
Remember that all the comments of "dual XX cards are better than a single YY card" are only true of games that are truly SLI supported (an ever decreasing list I might add.)
Is it safe to not have a cooler on when you test boot your components? Not even the stock cooler the CPU comes with?
"lol yea this was my first build ever and i didnt read that you needed one so when i started it up that bitch got to 99C and stayed there before i figured out otherwise. but its all good now it idles at 28c and underload about 40c (in my room 24c)" also i wanted to make sure the gpu worked
Just wanted to say I have the same exact Hawaiian Topic Girl on my wall but I bought the poster 4 1/2 years ago lol
Dude i bought it around that time if not older LOL you have a great eye and good taste my good sir
You do as well my fine online pal
Do you always keep the G930 charging base inside the case?
I was curious about the cost. Thinking of building a loft over my galant desk. I have the curved parts at the ends though - not sure if it would fit. At that cost and you saying its shaky - I'll probably build something.
Yea my original plan was to build a loft out of my old bed but mother said other wise and i had to buy this one. No i dont think it would fit with those curved pieces. yea i have win 7 and what is the name of that software that access the lcd directly?
Same software - just a mode you can turn on that means you can skip installing anything from Logitech
How?!Don't worry, I read how :-( Nice man, next upgrade mechanical keyboard and better headphones?(and amp + dac) PS chuck your sub on the floor bro
Eh mechanical is a little loud and im used to mine. not better headphones cause these are pretty good but i do want to get some audio dedicated Sennheiser ones in the future. yes i know >.>
I might. I just bought it so if anything it would be a few years before i upgrade anyway. Thanks
You used an ASUStek laptop previously, you have an IKEA loft bed, and I saw that G930 Cable wrap in your computer...
OH, that's where we differ: I'm still on the ASUS.
LOL i actually wrote this comment on my ASUS, I still use it, everyday! :D
Get a mechanical keyboard. Seriously you'll never go back.
Nice build mate. Enjoyed the pictures ! Have fun :)
Damnit I want a loft bed. If only my fiancee would let me have one in my mancave!
I must complain about the power supply.
That's a pretty badass place to put the subwoofer. I approve.
No one cares that you're in highschool.
You know that not everyone in high school is well off right? We do have part time jobs and paid internships. So if you have nothing to actually say, positively or negatively, about the actual build or setup, then keep to yourself. Also, nice build :D
Where the money actually came from?
I believe he's implying that you didn't raise the funds for this yourself. Not that it should matter. It's a very nice setup although I personally enjoy the bass under my desk, looks sweet!
Ahhh the ignorance on the internet thats right...yes if anyone was wondering i did have to raise all the funds on my own having divorced parents and all that couldn't afford to help(with the exception of the monitors as a birthday gift). But thanks ZigZulJin it sounds awesome especially when playing bf4 and cihivalry :D
Well to be fair you shouldn't be fishing for bookmarks with stuff like "I'm from highschool" or "I'm a girl" or "my very first gaming setup" etc. It's unnecessary and detracts from the post. He was right when he said no one cares, most people here won't give you a free pass.
Alright good to know for next time... this was my first upload to coolcomputersetups so i didnt know by saying that, that i would be fishing for bookmarks sorry and thanks
That msi badge... other than that, cool station
Why does every kid on here call their build a "highscool pc build" or "highschool gaming setup?" Such a stupid trend in this coolcomputersetups. Noone cares about what school level your at, we care about your setup.
I thought it might be interesting to have a story behind the build and being in highschool and building a monster like this on my own would add an impressive part to that story. But i guess in your case ignorance is truly bliss. Dont like the trend? start a discussion about it or go cry to your mommy but dont comment on my post because quite frankly i dont give a flying fucking shit what you think.
You have a nice build here, you should let your work speak for itself instead of trying to impress everyone with that I'm only in high school nonsense. Take it how you want it.
I'm also not entirely sure how the ignorance is bliss phrase fits with your well thought out insult, but fuck it, I'll leave it be.
Ahh yes, is that your "highschool reply" ?
Look, multiple pictures of the same light displaying different colors.... super useful.

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