Gaming Setup - Computer Setup


Awesome, awesome build. Did make me sad that the cable management inside was a little sloppy. And the SSDs seemed as though they were just kind of thrown on top.
Yeah, incredible build, and I was anticipating him showing how he was going to have this amazing cable management solution and create a nice clean job. Left me disappointed to see a 95% complete work that started with such meticulous attention to detail.
His father-in-law helped him do the woodworking part, probably why it looks so professional compared to the component layout.
Ah I must have missed the part of the father in law. Either way, he has an incredibly well built desk, so the hard part is done. The inside can always be changed. I hope Op tidies the beauty up a bit. Staring down at it may push him to.
Wait wait wait. All of that work and you DIDN"T run the cables into the wall and back out into the desk from behind?
Even just that rounded fancy conduit painted wall color would look 100x better.
My thoughts exactly! It seemed like the perfect opportunity, too.
That would be kind of pointless besides tearing us his wall in two places. I can understand running like Ethernet cables and things through the walls to get internet in other rooms but not cables from a PC to a outlet
Eh, it's not "tearing up" the wall, you install low voltage cable outlets in the wall to run the cables through. I have it for my wall mounted monitor and it looks freakin' sweet, definitely worth the work.
Nice work. Personally I'd have made the keyboard tray wider and put the mouse on there too - the two-level thing would irritate the hell out of me.
That was my biggest gripe. My desk is sort of similar, have the keyboard pullout with glass about 5 inches above the pullout and put my mouse on the glass and my arm is raised and extended, it's uncomfortable even for a few minutes. guess he could always invest in a small keyboard without a numpad and get enough space for a mouse, but he said in the xpost he does a lot of excel work.
Ah, I didn't see that. I have a tenkeyless myself and could probably just about fit a mouse in there.
One of the better posts on here! But why a 470?
Chrome only crashed 4 times but I got to the end...! Sweet build.
It's a pretty amazing build! I like it a lot. Looks like it took a lot of work to make it all come together.
Nice. Looks like a lot of work but rewarding.
Great build. I really wish I had some space to start woodworking projects of my own.
You would think it wouldn't be that much to create a void underneath the hardware for cable management. Give yourself say 40mm of space above the base piece, put in a couple of supports and drop an intermediate piece on top. Could one step further and make it removable with some recessed LED lighting.
This is like my dream. And you did an absolute perfect job at it. I expected silly lights and like perfect looking components, but you just did it so simple normal that is looks amazing.
How do the back I/O panels work? What is the graphics card attached to and also did you put any motherboard standoffs?
Holy hot damn that is a sexy setup. But like everyone else has said, dem cables.
Dumb question: Don't you need a metal case to protect the parts? I have never seen a build like this.
Metal is just the standard for cases because it's cheap to deliver and manufacture compared to making a wood case. Wood is an insulator, so it is on some level better than a metal case because it doesn't conduct electricity. The biggest threat is static discharge, by physically touching the components.
Reminds me a lot of the L3P D3SK. Did you use that as your inspiration? I have always loved his metal version but the cost to build it is a little high (~$1000).
Awesome build. But if you don't mind me asking, where did you get that expansion slot gadget for all those different slots like USB, sd .ect
I'm no engineer/woodworker what have you. But, What if you raised the whole bottom up by 2" with a panel that has cut out for all the cables. Other than the cable management, beautiful, hell of DIY build.
This is so fucking cool. Nice job.
Pretty sure I had to skip through 100+ pics to find the gaming setup pics. Could we please stop doing this.
I god, you guys wont believe how much i hate those keyboard trays...
This is the most impressive DIY build I've seen on here. I'd love to one day make something similar to this.
All that work, and still just a membrane keyboard? OP you gotta invest in an MK.
For a membrane keyboard, it is one of the finest.

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