Gaming Setup - Computer Setup


Your gaming setup is very similar to mine :D
Stock cooler on a 3770k? From experience, you might want to double-check your temps. Mine needed a 3rd party one to stay cool.
How high is dangerous? It's usaully 30-45C
Ah... you're fine then. Mine was idling at 65C with the stock cooler. Sorry.
No problem, I should probably get a better cooler
Why a 3770k when you are not overclocking? The stock cooler should be ok for running stock, but an aftermarket CPU cooler is always a good investment. Also, there is no such thing as a gtx 600 ti.
I bought an i7 2600k and didn't OC for a year. Sometimes you just don't feel like messing with things, but you might later.
True, it just seems like a waste. Such a glorious (unlocked) beast of a cpu...not overclocked. It's almost sad!

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